Daily Devotional
Daily Devotions

Daily yDevotional – God’s Promises for 2023 #17

Our scripture for the Daily Devotional today is taken from Isaiah 43:1-7. No matter where you find yourself, God has promised that He will be there with you. If you feel that you are drowning in deep waters or burnt by the flames, your Father is there with you. “But now,

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Daily Devotional
Daily Devotions

Daily Devotional – God’s Promises for 2023 #16

Our scripture for the Daily Devotional today is taken from 2 Peter 2:18-25. Jesus committed no sin yet He took upon Himself the burden of all of ours. He took the wrath of God so that we could stand before our creator blameless, being welcomed in. “Slaves, in reverent fear of

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Daily Devotional
Daily Devotions

Daily Devotional – God’s Promises for 2023 #15

Our scripture for the Daily Devotional today is taken from Jeremiah 29:4-14. If you were to sum the promises from God into one statement, it is that God cares! He created each of us purposefully and always has our best interests at heart. “This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of

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Daily Devotional
Daily Devotions

Daily Devotional – God’s Promises for 2023 #14

Our scripture for the Daily Devotional today is taken from Isaiah 40:28-31. There are two attitudes and actions that this world requires to function. Missing both or either one of these factors would lead to it all crashing and burning. “Do you not know?     Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God,

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Daily Devotional
Daily Devotions

Daily Devotional – God’s Promises for 2023 #13

Our scripture for the Daily Devotional today is taken from 2 Corinthians 12:1-10. When we are weak, vulnerable, and at the end of the rope, God’s story can shine through. Before that point, it is all done in our own effort and for our own glory! “I must go on boasting.

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Daily Devotional
Daily Devotions

Daily Devotional – God’s Promises for 2023 #12

Our scripture for the Daily Devotional today is taken from Psalm 32:6-11. If I knew then what I know now, oh how different life would have been! This statement is so often overheard as a parent speaks to their young adult. “Therefore let all the faithful pray to you     while you

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Daily Devotional
Daily Devotions

Daily Devotional – God’s Promises for 2023 #11

Our scripture for the Daily Devotional today is taken from Psalm 37:21-28. Walking through life we may sometimes make a miss-step that will leave us unsteady and shaken. Our Father reminds us that He is right there to support us! “The wicked borrow and do not repay,     but the righteous give

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Daily Devotional
Daily Devotions

Daily Devotional – God’s Promises for 2023 #10

Our scripture for the Daily Devotional today is taken from Exodus 14:13-18. I tell you about my friends and connections to impress you and have you respect me the same way you do them. When I tell you that God is my corner, I tell you that to instill fear. “Moses

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Daily Devotional
Daily Devotions

Daily Devotional – God’s Promises for 2023 #9

Our scripture for the Daily Devotional today is taken from Philippians 4:4-9. We sometimes think that it is just teenagers that don’t listen. Consider how Israel hardened their hearts against God over and over. In general, people don’t listen! “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5 Let your

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Daily Devotional
Daily Devotions

Daily Devotional – God’s Promises for 2023 #8

Our scripture for the Daily Devotional today is taken from Jeremiah 29:10-14. Sometimes the only thing keeping us from surrendering is hope. As we look heavenward we endure all that this world has because we are trusting in a promise. “This is what the Lord says: “When seventy years are completed for Babylon,

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Daily Devotional
Daily Devotions

Daily Devotional – God’s Promises for 2023 #7

Our scripture for the Daily Devotional today is taken from 2 Corinthians 12:6-10. In a world of facades and appearances, men push out their chests and women flatter their eyelashes. The world has taught us to fake it till we make it! “Even if I should choose to boast, I would not

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Daily Devotional
Daily Devotions

Daily Devotional – God’s Promises for 2023 #6

Our scripture for the Daily Devotional today is taken from Matthew 11:25-30. There are a few definite things in life. You will definitely face struggles and have burdens, and then we will all die on this earth. “At that time Jesus said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because

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Daily Devotional
Daily Devotions

Daily Devotional – God’s Promises for 2023 #5

Our scripture for the Daily Devotional today is taken from Psalm 32:6-11. Living a life with no direction is one of the surest ways to add strife and anxiety to our lives. God is in control and leading those will to follow His leading. “Therefore let all the faithful pray to

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Daily Devotional
Daily Devotions

Daily Devotional – God’s Promises for 2023 #4

Our scripture for the Daily Devotional today is taken from John 16:29-33. Confidence in sports is a marvelous thing to watch. When an athlete has confidence, they attempt unthought things just because they can. “Then Jesus’ disciples said, “Now you are speaking clearly and without figures of speech. 30 Now we can see

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Daily Devotional
Daily Devotions

Daily Devotional – God’s Promises for 2023 #3

Our scripture for the Daily Devotional today is taken from Deuteronomy 31:3-8. It is easy to feel alone and forsaken by everyone around us. Jesus stood before the priest accused and all alone. Jesus stood in that place of solidarity and understands how you feel. “The Lord your God himself will cross over

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Daily Devotional
Daily Devotions

Daily Devotional – God’s Promises for 2023 #2

Our scripture for the Daily Devotional today is taken from Isaiah 41:8-13. In a world that is filled with sin and people seeking to serve themselves, you and I need protection. We all need someone in our corner that is bigger and stronger than we are. “But you, Israel, my servant,

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Daily Devotional
Daily Devotions

Daily Devotional – God’s Promises for 2023 #1

Our scripture for the Daily Devotional today is taken from John 3:16-21. As humans, we have a few fundamental needs. There has been much debate as to what these are, but as Jesus said, man doesn’t live on bread alone! “For God so loved the world that he gave his one

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Daily devotional
Daily Devotions

Christmas Devotional – You Have a Gift to Give!

Our scripture for the Daily Devotional today is taken from Isaiah 9:6-7. The angels called out to those on the hills that day. They told them of the miracle that had been foretold. The gift to all creation had been born and revealed. “For to us a child is born,     to

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Daily devotional
Daily Devotions

Christmas Devotional – Do You Need a Sign?

Our scripture for the Daily Devotional today is taken from Micah 5:1-4. Faith is the act of living without seeing what you know. It was prophesized many years before, that God would come to dwell among His creation as a sign and to save them. “[a]Marshal your troops now, city of

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Daily devotional
Daily Devotions

Christmas Devotional – Do You Have a Song to Sing?

Our scripture for the Daily Devotional today is taken from Luke 2:16-19. There are many examples throughout the Bible of God’s people singing a song of praise. It is a natural result and reaction to such an amazing miracle of the Lord. “And there were shepherds living out in the fields

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Daily Devotions
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