Medical Tests to Get When You Reach 50

medical tests

As you age, you might find there are more health concerns in your life. It’s important that you start staying on top of your health and wellness with medical tests to avoid serious illnesses. There are many ways you can take care of yourself as you age, such as by eating foods that boost your immune system or exercising regularly.

Regular health checkups are another way of maintaining your health. There are some preventative tests and health screenings you should consider as you approach 50, as these checkups can keep you healthier for longer. Here are a few of them.

Blood Pressure Check

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, affects many adults. There is often a large number of adults who are unaware that they have a blood pressure problem. This can be dangerous, as hypertension puts you at a greater risk for kidney disease, heart disease, stroke or chronic heart failure. It’s important to get your blood pressure tested regularly. You can easily keep your blood pressure in check by following tips to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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Mammograms are x-rays that examine breasts to detect early signs of breast cancer. It is recommended that women have their first mammogram between the ages of 40 and 50. Once women reach the age of 40, they can be screened every one or two years depending on the risk factor and the recommendation of their doctors. 

Bone Density Test

Osteoporosis, a disease that makes the bones weak and prone to break easily, affects more women than men. It’s recommended that you get a bone density once you reach the age of 65. If you have a history of osteoporosis or fractures in your family, you should get this test done earlier after consulting your doctor. Ensure that your doctor knows of the family medical history.

Skin and Mole Check

Your healthcare provider might recommend a skin check if you are considered high risk (ie. if you’ve had cancer before or if you have a family history of cancer). The cases for skin cancer increase after you turn 50, so it is best to get a check where a dermatologist or your primary health care provider will examine your skin, freckles and moles all over your body. Detecting skin cancer or melanoma early can help you get treatment at the right time.

Eye Exam

Fatigue and poor diet and health conditions like diabetes can have an impact on your vision as you age. You should get your eyes examined every two to four years once you turn 40, and then have the exam more frequently after the age of 55. If you have diabetes, an annual eye checkup is recommended.

Hormone Checkup

Hormones regulate a person’s metabolism, mood, sexual function, temperature, appetite and more. As you age, you might experience hormonal changes, especially when in perimenopause or menopause. These changes can often affect your health drastically. It is recommended that you get a full hormone profile that will inform you of your hormone and thyroid levels and decide if you need treatment or medication.

Dental Examination

Everyone should go to the dentist once or twice every year to get your teeth examined and cleaned. A dental exam usually includes checking for plaque buildup, decay, inflammation and infection. You can take better care of your oral health as you age. If you are at risk for metabolic syndrome, diabetes or heart disease, your dentist might ask you to visit more often. 

Annual Physical Exam

Everyone should get a physical exam annually and the older you get, the more important these exams become. Annual physical exams are usually covered by insurance too. These routine checkups might also include seeing your gynecologist where you can get a breast exam and a pap test. A regular physical exam, on the other hand, might include a head-to-toe examination of your eyes, ears, chest, nose, throat, and more. These exams can tell you a lot about things that you might have never thought of, such as how earwax can affect hearing and pose a long-term problem for the elderly.

These are just a few of the exams that you can get regularly. Women also face other common health concerns related to vision, menopause, obesity, memory loss, and others. You should consult your doctor about the exams and follow their recommendations. Preventative tests will help you live a worry-free, healthy, and active life well into your old age.

LivingBetter50 is a magazine for women over 50, offering an over 50 magazine free download for women with spirit!

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Medical Tests to Get When You Reach 50
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