How You Can Prepare Yourself for the COVID-19 Pandemic

COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 Pandemic has taken many of us by surprise, and it can be overwhelming to learn about its dangers. However, it’s important to remember that you are not alone, and there are many ways to help prepare yourself for the current pandemic. In this article, we’ll discuss some of those ways, so that you can help yourself and those around you. 

Research about Coronavirus 

With today’s technology, researching information can be a breeze. However, it’s important to remember to make sure you always visit reputable sites. This way, you can stay away from incorrect statistics and focus on what is really happening in the world. It’s vital that you learn about the virus so that you can prepare yourself and find out if you have any symptoms. If you’re trying to stay away from technology due to stress or anxiety, ask a friend or relative to inform you of any changes. 

Coronavirus itself is a respiratory illness and presents itself very similar to the flu. You might experience a sore throat, fever, coughing, and shortness of breath. If you feel ill, it’s vital that you speak to your doctor and get tested to help prevent the spread.  

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You have several options when it comes to getting tested: RT-PCR tests that require lab processing, rapid PCR tests that return results within 30 minutes, or rapid antigen tests that return results in 15 minutes. If you want to get tested immediately, you should check with your statewide COVID-19 response for which community testing centers, clinics, or drive-in locations can accommodate you. You can also get same day COVID testing in Raleigh, NC and other US cities with an in-home service such as Drip Hydration. In-home testing saves you time and lets you avoid the risk of being exposed to the virus at your local testing center.

Take extra hygiene measures 

We should all be practicing hygiene measures to help minimize the spread of the disease; however, if you are elderly or at risk, you should always take extra measures. Remember to wash your hands regularly, use masks and hand sanitizer, and maintain social distancing at all times. If you are at risk, you should try and avoid contact with as many people as possible. 

While it may be overwhelming at first, the more action we take, the faster the virus will go away, and the faster we can return to normal. If you’re feeling anxious or depressed due to isolation, make sure you reach out to your local doctor or find a support service near you. 

Find out about deadlines 

The virus has caused financial strain on many individuals and has also prevented them from leaving the house for specific events. Make sure you take a look at extending appeal deadlines due to COVID-19 to see if you are eligible. You might also be able to apply for certain payments/benefits if you are unemployed or looking for work, so make sure you check what is being offered in your country.  

Keep yourself occupied 

Self-isolation can be difficult for everyone, so it’s essential that we all find ways to keep ourselves occupied so that we can take care of our mental health. Try pulling yourself out a board game or a jigsaw puzzle. You might even get creative and enjoy some arts and crafts. There are many self-isolation activities that can get you through the pandemic; you just have to keep a lookout for them.  

Stay connected 

Self-isolation doesn’t mean that you have to stay disconnected from the world. With technology, we can video call, text, and voice call individuals around the world, so we can always contact our friends and family. Make sure you keep your grandma and grandpa up to date with the latest technology and check in on them when you can. 

Stay active 

Staying fit and active is one of the most important things for our well-being and ensures that we maintain our health. If you aren’t able to exercise outdoors’s try and move the fun indoors! Whether it be using some indoor gym equipment or being creative around the home, there are many ways that you can still get your 30 minutes of exercise. Try Yoga or Pilates, or even some simple stretches to keep your body moving. 

 Find someone to help 

If you are unable to leave your household due to being elderly or unwell, make sure that there is someone you can contact for help. If you need medicine or groceries, they can leave them by the door to ensure that you have everything you need. Don’t be afraid to stand up if you know someone that needs care or help during the COVID-19 pandemic

While this is a very tough time for all of us, we must remember to stay healthy, strong, and take care of one another. Whether it be checking in on your elderly neighbor, or delivering your friend some groceries, every little thing can make a huge difference. Remember to practice social distancing, wash your hands regularly, and we’ll all be able to get through this together.

LivingBetter50 is a magazine for women over 50, offering an over 50 magazine free download for women of spirit!

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How You Can Prepare Yourself for the COVID-19 Pandemic
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