Simple Ways to Get Rid of Heel Spurs

Simple Ways to Get Rid of Heel Spurs

By Jessica Max –

Have you ever felt pain on your heel first thing in the morning upon waking up? Or maybe after an exercise or a strenuous activity? Or the moment you stood up from sitting for a long time? Such may be the result of having heel spurs.

Heel spurs are the swelling calcium deposits formed on your heel bone. This can be due to varied reasons such as repetitive physical activities (running, dancing, walking) or with plantar fasciitis, which is caused by the inflammation of the plantar fascia, a ligament located on the bottom of your foot. Tight plantar fascia can pull on your heel bone, making it release calcium so as to heal itself. Excess calcium deposits will then protrude causing heel spurs.

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And though there is no instant cure to this, you do not have to suffer much because of this. Here are simple ways on how you can get rid of heel spurs.

Natural Treatment for Heel Spurs:

There are many natural ways that can help you treat heel spurs. Some of them don’t cause that much and help soothe the pain.


Find a 150mm in length by 20mm in diameter dowel at your local hardware store. You may also look for a ready-made one with the same size. Stand supported and slowly press the painful area down the on the road. Roll it backward and forwards. Continue this until the pain subsides.

You can also do this exercise several times a day while at your desk. Pain will lessen after several days.

Apply an Icepack

One of the easily available feet remedies for heel spurs is applying ice pack on the aching part of the foot. Place it on your heel for 10-15 minutes per day. You may also try to roll your heel over an iced can or bottle.

Over-the-counter remedies

If the pain on your heel is too much for you to handle, try taking over-the-counter medicines to help you ease the pain.

Rest, rest, rest

Stay off your aching foot for a while. Try to get some rest on your feet as much as you can. Easing off your physical activities can also be a big help. Some activities put too much pressure on your feet and this can often lead to heel pain. Switch to different activities from time to time, allowing for your heel to fully recover.

Wear night splints

Splints help stretch your plantar fascia so wearing one while sleeping is highly advisable. Keep it in place while sleeping.

Do some exercises

There are exercises that help strengthen and lengthen the plantar fascia.

Do some calf stretch by placing your hands on the wall, extending 1 foot behind you with your knee straight while in front your other knee bent. Push your hips towards the wall. You’ll know you’re doing it right when you could feel a pull in your calf muscles. Repeat the stretch for 20 times each foot.

The plantar fascia stretch, on the other hand, should be done every morning before doing any walking or standing. Put your injured foot across the knee of your other leg. Grasp your toes and gently pull them towards you. You may use the help of a towel if you can’t reach for your toes. Hold it for 10 seconds and repeat 20 times each foot.

Medical Treatments:

Medical treatments for heel spurs are also available. Simply seek the medical advice of your doctor about injections that can help relieve heel pain. Corticosteroid matched with an anesthetic, like the Xylocaine, is most likely what your doctor may inject. Some doctors use botox to relax the plantar fascia.

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy

The Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy or ESWT can injure tissues surrounding your heel that might be causing the pain. This therapy uses sound waves to burn unnecessary tissues on your heel.

When all else fails, have surgery

If no other treatments work on your case, having surgery is the only option your doctor can give you. There’s the Instep plantar fasciotomy that removes part of the plantar fascia to ease the pressure on the nerves. Endoscopy is like the Instep plantar fasciotomy, with only the use of smaller incisions. While endoscopy promises you’ll heal faster, this also has the higher chance of damaging your nerves during operation. So it’s advised to think it through before undergoing this.


Choosing the right size of footwear is also important in getting rid of heel spurs. Buy shoes at the end of the day, when they are their largest. Try on shoes with the same socks you’ll be wearing for that type. Walk around it before buying it. Do not forget to make sure you have enough space inside your shoe, where you can wiggle your toes. Orthodontic inserts are also available over the counter. You can slide them on your footwear to give your feet the support they need.

There are various ways on how to get rid of heel spurs. The most important thing when dealing with pain in your body is to first listen to it. Know what it wants and what it needs. This goes out not only on your heel but also to your whole being.


Jessica Max is a successful writer and loves to write well-researched and high-quality content on different topics related to foot care, nail care, and plantar fasciitis. She is currently writing for


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Simple Ways to Get Rid of Heel Spurs
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