Menopausal Acne Symptoms and Treatments for Women Over 50

menopausal acne

Menopausal acne, like every other menopausal symptom, does not feel normal. Hot flashes, weight gain, mood swings, sleeping disorders, vaginal dryness, and yes, even acne, are all symptoms of menopause. 

Hormonal fluctuations are the main cause for menopausal acne because of a drop in estrogen levels or an increase in androgen hormones (like testosterone) contribute to adult acne. Even taking hormone replacement therapy (HRT) does not eliminate or cure acne and in some cases, it may worsen. 

What are the symptoms of menopausal acne?

Women who are perimenopause or menopause are likely to experience skin sensitivities. Rashes, rosacea, and acne all qualify as menopausal symptoms. Menopausal acne typically flares up on the lower half of your face. The chin, jawline, and neck area is the most common areas for this hormonal acne. Some women experience blackheads or whiteheads, however, the most common is cystic acne. Cystic acne is painful and causes redness, swelling, and distortion to the face or neck. 

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What treatments are there for menopausal acne? 

1. Diet

It should not surprise you that this is the first step in any treatment of menopausal symptoms. As women over 50, we can no longer eat like we did in our teenage years! A healthy, balanced diet is an absolute necessity as we get older. Sugar should be avoided at all costs as it causes and aggravates inflammation. Caffeine and alcohol should be consumed in moderation and drinking plenty of water is a must! Understanding that what we consume will drastically affect our bodies and especially the largest organ of our body; our skin! 

2. Skincare Regimen 

If you have not started a daily skincare regimen, we urge you to start! Removing makeup and cleansing your skin will help keep pores unclogged from oils, dirt, and keeps the bacteria which causes acne from spreading. Old makeup and dirty makeup brushes and sponges can all contribute to acne and skin infections. 

3. Topical Medication 

Topical creams will only work on mild acne because they cannot penetrate deep under the skin. However, if you are treating surface acne, some over the counter medications will do the job. Face wash and spot gels with salicylic acid are most common products and help prevent and clear up acne. Your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic or retinoid which can alleviate and treat moderate acne. 

4. Oral Medication  

Your doctor may prescribe oral antibiotics, contraceptives, or anti-androgen drugs for the more severe acne like cystic acne. Oral medication treats the problem internally where topical treatments and surface creams cannot. Speak with your doctor about which treatment may be best for you. A conversation with your doctor will help you understand the pros and cons of oral medication so you can make an informed  decision. 

5. Therapies 

Depending on the severity of your acne, you may want to consider treating your skin with Light Therapy or Chemical Peels. Facial masks that are high in antioxidants and remove dead skin are a great way to treat acne.  Other therapies to consider for the more severe and cystic acne include Steroid Injections and Drainage & Extraction techniques. These therapies may help but can also leave some scarring and discoloration. 

6. Natural Remedies

There are numerous natural, at home remedies that you can implement in your daily routine to help combat the severity of hormonal acne. Nutrients and supplements that include Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Magnesium, and Zinc all heal and restore your skin. Drinking green tea and taking apple cider vinegar are also said to be natural remedies for acne. Essential oils, such as Tea Tree Oil, kill bacteria and restore the skin naturally. (Before using any essential oils, learn “how to use essential oils” to avoid burning your skin!). Natural balms with herbal ingredients can reduce inflammation, kill bacteria, and restore the skin

7. Avoid the Urge

Lastly, avoid picking, squeezing, and scratching your acne. This will only aggravate the problem and cause further swelling, inflammation, and spread of the bacteria. Use a cold compress or ice cubes to reduce the pain and swelling. Keep your face clean and if you must wear makeup (because we know you want to hide the spots) make sure you have a lightweight moisturizing tint rather than a heavy foundation.  

It’s hard to believe it when we say, “this too shall pass”, but it will. Menopause does not go on forever even though it may feel that way. Learning how to adapt and adjust through menopause is part of the journey and you will overcome this rite of passage. 


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Menopausal Acne Symptoms and Treatments for Women Over 50
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