Why Weight Loss Is Harder for Some and Not Others

weight loss

Changing your life and the lives of your children and the generations that follow is no easy task. Nature versus nurture has long been raising questions that are a fascinating combination of social and science for which we often have no answer. But with the consistent rise of obesity nationwide, there is little question that being overweight has become and will continue to be one of the biggest societal problems in the history of humanity — a trend that causes preventable disease and premature death at a rising rate.

A new study published by The Journal of the American College of Cardiology has brought attention to a long-debated topic: Is it really harder for some people to lose weight than others? The results are surprisingly dramatic. Here’s the gist of the experiment that has a lot of people talking, and here’s what it means to you, your family and the generations to come.

Are We Really That Different?

There are too many x-factors to list that affect your health, but there is a mountain of evidence that if you’re unhealthy, your kids will be, too. Last April, The New York Times published an article about a new study involving several generations of rats that were conditioned to aerobic exercise on a rat treadmill every day.

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The fastest and most enduring females were bred with their equally athletic male counterparts, and the resulting generations were able to run 40 percent further before tiring. They also possessed notable cellular growth in the left heart ventricle. But the health advantages of the genetically athletic mice didn’t end there.

Studies of the rats bred for their lack of response to exercise produced offspring that not only were incapable of increasing their athletic ability through consistent exercise, but studies showed that their bodies actually have a negative response to exercise. These rats lost an average of two percent of their endurance through the several-week process of treadmill endurance training. These rats also showed no cellular growth at all, even after endurance training on the treadmill.

While this may sound scary, researchers remain optimistic, noting that this study is an excellent argument for what many exercise scientists and athletic trainers have been talking about for a long time: the power of cross-training and alternative forms of exercise.

Mind Power Is Real

It makes perfect sense: If you want to exercise more often, find an exercise that you love. Forcing yourself to go to a gym is a good indication that you’re doing something wrong, but that doesn’t mean to forget the gym altogether. It means your routine needs a change, and often the most successful routines that keep our bodies and our minds guessing, and in constant flux. Just as our lives are changing, so are our minds and bodies, so it only makes sense to be constantly adapting our exercise routines. When your mind is engaged with a new activity, it can actually increase your body’s ability to build strength, both mentally and physically.

A Norwegian University of Science and Technology study explains that if hearts don’t respond and adapt to the demands of exercise, workouts will weaken bodies instead of making them stronger. So if your workout is not working, change it, and keep changing it to keep your body guessing and your mind engaged.

Make It Easy and Fun to Change Your Routine

Instead of forcing yourself to go to the gym every day, swap it for outdoor activities, organized sports or at-home workouts. Just the act of getting to the gym, battling traffic, waiting for machines and watching whatever is on TV can all be a routine that your body’s not responding to. If you download of the hundreds of at-home workout apps on your phone, you’re much more likely to follow through with actually doing the exercises. Additionally, if you have the right training gear and equipment, such as riding glasses you love or athletic shoes that make you feel sporty, you’re much more likely to take the bicycle out for a spin.

Stacy Eden is a Phoenix, Arizona native with a passion for art, power tools, and historical significance.  She draws inspiration from classic cars, ancient mythological sculptures and jewelry designers such as Delfina Delettrez, Shaun Leane, and Dior Jewellery creative director Victoire de Castellane.


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Why Weight Loss Is Harder for Some and Not Others
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