They Are Watching You

image of dog looking through binoculars

You are being watched. The government has a secret system, a machine that spies on you every hour of every day.

These lines open the CBS Thursday night show “Person of Interest.”

I don’t know anything about a secret government machine, but you are being watched. Every hour of every day.

fall scents for your home

People are watching your life. In good times, yes. But especially in bad. The quality of your faith response in the hard times of your life will impact them either positively or negatively for Christ.

This post is the 4th in a series about how we can purposefully pass down a spiritual legacy. (See previous posts: Intro“3 Ways to Pass with Purpose,” & “4 Faith Steps for Hard Times.”)

Grandson with great grandparents
Grandson with great grandparents

Do you want to pass down a strong legacy of faith to the young people in your life? Then, stand firm on God through difficulties to prove faith in God works. Your testimony will encourage them to cling to God too.

4 steps to living a rock-solid faith:

  1. Take your pain and questions to God – God is not afraid of your questions. Just glance through the Psalms (see Psalm 42:9-11). Over and over God’s people pour out their pain and frustration to their Creator. He is the One who can handle them! In the last post, we saw this demonstrated in Naomi’s life.
  2. Praise God in the midst of the trials – One of my favorite passages is Habbakuk 3:17-19. The prophet Habbakuk found his reason to rejoice in God Himself and God’s promises for the future, not in his present circumstances. Even if our bank account is empty and we don’t know where our next meal is coming from, we can gain strength from God and trust in His provision. Praising Him in the midst of trials helps us focus on the One who is able to deliver us through all our hardships.
  3. Live with an eternal perspective – God’s scope is much bigger than ours. We tend to be consumed with the here and now, but God is working out everything in eternity. Although God cares about every aspect of our physical circumstances, our spiritual condition is top priority. He often allows us to face physical difficulties to shape our character and conform us to Christ. If we allow Him to do His work through our trials, He will be glorified and our faith will be proved genuine to those watching.
  4. Stand on God’s truth even when the circumstances don’t make sense – There will be times we won’t understand what God is doing. Situations when we have more questions than answers. But if we ensure our faith is in God and not in a specific outcome we will never be disappointed or disillusioned. The Object of our Faith is always faithful. Study God’s character and His ways. Then you will be able to stand firm on Him no matter what the circumstances bring.

Standing firm through trials proves our faith in God works to those who are watching us. There is no greater testimony to God’s love and faithfulness. Others will see what you have and want it for themselves.

Are you facing trials and difficulties now? Are you standing firm or wavering? Which of these 4 steps can you implement in your life today?

Originally posted on Unshakeable Faith for Life.

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They Are Watching You
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