Say Goodbye to Flabby Arms – Toning After 50

Goodbye Flabby Arms

Flabby arms can make you lose confidence and feel terrible about yourself. As we age, it feels impossible to get rid of flabby arms. Before we can help with solutions, we should first understand what causes the problem.  

What Causes Flabby Arms?


Almost everything comes down to aging. Getting older certainly has its challenges. But, it doesn’t need to define what you can or cannot achieve. Aging causes our skin to lose its elasticity. Our skin around our arms becomes looser and thus causes sagging and flabbiness. 

Hormonal Imbalance

Menopausal weight gain is no joke! Hormonal imbalances cause excess fat to accumulate in areas least desired: Arms, belly, bum, and thighs. 

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Muscle Loss

Sarcopenia is a natural part of aging. Muscle loss begins around 30 years of age and speeds up as we get older. Losing arm muscle causes looser skin and flabbier arms. 

How to Get Rid of Flabby Arms

Arm Exercises

You should be very specific about the type of exercises you do for your flabby arms. Incorporate weights as well as using your own body weight. Be sure to include cardio and never forget to stretch! Exercises such as triceps dips and extensions, push-ups, and rowing are just to name a few, but also the most common and effective exercises. Be sure to focus on your arm exercises daily… once a week is not going to shape those triceps!


Adding collagen to your diet is one of the most effective ways to help firm your skin. It will also help with building your muscle mass and reducing the risk of injury when exercising. Drinking water will also help with hydrating the skin and bring back some of the lost elasticity. 


Avoiding weight gain is crucial. Excess weight will cause it to “pocket” in areas such as your arms. Eating a balanced diet which includes protein and essential nutrients, will help boost and fuel your body to build muscle and not store fat. Remember to hydrate with at least 8 glasses of water per day (or more if you’ve been exercising). 

Furthermore, to reduce the appearance of loose skin on your arms, there are several treatment options available to consider. Non-invasive treatments such as radiofrequency therapy and laser therapy use advanced technology to stimulate collagen production and tighten loose skin. Massage therapy can also be beneficial, as it can improve blood flow and lymphatic drainage to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Additionally, topical creams containing ingredients such as caffeine or retinol can help to tighten and firm the skin. For detailed information, you can find more tips to get rid of cellulite on arms here.

As you may already know, nothing is an easy fix. Everything takes time and dedication. Your body needs you to pay attention to it. Exercise daily. Eat a healthy diet, every day! Each and every day you will be one day closer to seeing the results you long for!


LivingBetter50 is a magazine for women over 50, offering an over 50 magazine free download for women with spirit!

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Say Goodbye to Flabby Arms – Toning After 50
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