When it comes to breast augmentation, most people think there are two options: you either do it or you don’t. However, there is so much more that goes into the decision than just whether or not you’ll go through the procedure. You have to decide what kind of augmentation you want to use. If you’re thinking about breast augmentation for yourself, make sure you know what options interest you most, so you can make an informed decision along with your surgeon.
Autologous Augmentation
Otherwise known as breast augmentation via fat transfer, this method uses fat from one part of the patient’s body and grafts it onto the same patient’s breasts. With this procedure, you must also undergo liposuction, but as a result, you improve another area of your body along with your breasts. For example, the surgeon can take fat from problem areas like the thighs or stomach and use it to smooth, plump, and perfect your cleavage. Autologous augmentation has low complication rates and results in breasts that look and feel natural. After all, they’re still completely your own tissue. You also don’t have to worry about an implant that could burst or leak. However, it is possible for the results to fade with fat reabsorption as your body can still interact with transferred tissue.
Synthetic Breast Implants
There is a wide variety of synthetic breast implant options offered by plastic surgeons everywhere. The Food and Drug Administration provides recommendations on implants filled with silicone, saline, and alternative ingredients.
Silicone implants are filled with a silicone gel solution that offers a more natural feeling breast. This option may require recurring visits with your surgeon to check on the implants and make sure they are not leaking into the implant pocket area. Gummy bear implants are another type of silicone implant, but they are firmer than traditional silicone because the gel inside the implant shell is thicker. This allows them to maintain their shape if the shell is broken or damaged. You can also get shaped gummy bear implants, but if there is movement or rotation, there will be a noticeable and awkward shape to the breast. FDA approval for this option is for patients 22 and older.
There are two standard types of saline implants: saline and structured saline. Both of these implants are filled with sterile saline solution, which is salt and water. Structured saline implants use an additional structure within the implant to maintain its shape and create a more natural feeling breast. One of the benefits of saline breast implants is that leakage is not dangerous. The body can safely absorb and expel the solution. The FDA approves these implants for patients 18 and older.
Shaped and Textured
Round, smooth, and textured implants all serve specific purposes depending on what the client desires most. Smooth implants offer natural movement within the breast pocket as well as more softness than other types of implants. If you want the maximum amount of fullness and don’t want to worry about shape changes, round implants may be the best choice for you. Textured breast implants remove the factor of movement because the surface of the shell is designed to bond with scar tissue in the breast pocket.
No matter why you want to enhance your breasts with augmentation, you can find a solution to meet your specific and unique needs. Even if all of these options overwhelm you, a board-certified surgeon will walk you through the benefits and risks of each one prior to your big decision. Once you know what kind of implants you want and have a trusted surgeon to care for you, you’ll be on your way to the best breasts of your life.
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