Looking for Love

By Jackie Silver –

Whether you’re already in a loving relationship or looking for love, being in the company of someone special can be very enjoyable.

Dr. Diana Kirschner says in her book, Love in 90 Days: The Essential Guide to Finding Your Own True Love, “Love is life’s golden ticket. It brings in the brightest of colors and the rich high and low notes. There is no mistaking it; you know when you have love. And you definitely know when you don’t.”

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If you’re still trying to find your soul mate, research reveals that simply telling someone, “I really like you,” can make him or her find you more attractive.

According to Aberdeen University psychologist Dr. Ben Jones, making eye contact and smiling has a similar effect.1

Here are some Aging Backwards stats about couples:

1. According to research, people who are happily married live healthier lives than their single counterparts.2Some experts believe that one reason is stress reduction.

Cardiovascular, hormonal, and immune pathways are important to your well-being. Stress can have a negative effect on these systems. Being part of a “team” can make you feel better equipped to handle stress. And pooling your incomes allows you to share housing costs, groceries, and other household expenses. All factors in reducing stress.

2. Being married is linked to improvements in mental health for both men and women, as well as less depression.3Depression is one of the most common psychiatric disorders and can be highly debilitating.4

3. Married women tend to live longer than single, divorced, or widowed women.5

So, if you’re married, today would be a great day to tell your loved one how grateful you are to have them in your life.

If you’re single and looking, be sure to flash a lovely smile… it could be a great icebreaker!

Jackie Silver is Aging Backwards and she shares her secrets, tips and shortcuts in her book, Aging Backwards: Secrets to Staying Young, on her Website , on TV, on radio, in print and in person. She is the anti-aging expert on the syndicated television show, Daytime, one half of The Ageless Sisters radio show, a weekly columnist with The Tampa Tribune, the Aging Backwards expert for http://www.thehollywoodhotspot.com/ and contributor to numerous Web sites. In addition, she is the National Anti-Aging Beauty Examiner, New York Beauty Products Examiner and NY Charity Examiner for http://www.examiner.com/. Silver is a speaker and coach and is sought-after as an anti-aging and beauty expert by the media. Sign up for her free newsletter at: http://agingbackwards.com/ and follow her on Twitter, @AgingBackwards.

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