Key Ways to Be Proactive in Your Own Physical and Emotional Wellbeing

Key Ways to Be Proactive in Your Own Physical and Emotional Wellbeing

It was difficult enough to reach middle age, but as we progress toward that point in our lives where we will be considered ‘seniors,’ we should begin to expect changes in our bodies as well as in the state of our mental and emotional health. Instead of running to the doctor or clinic every time you notice changes, however small, why not be proactive in your own physical and emotional wellbeing? Here are a few key ways you can take a greater role in understanding these changes so that you can take an active role in your own wellbeing.

Know the Danger Signs

It goes without saying that you should always know the danger signs of those physiological changes in your body that indicate there is something serious going on. By the time you reach 50, there are certain signs you should watch for. For example, as we age, our eyes are no longer what they once were. Cataracts are common among people of age and so it pays to know the most common cataract warning signs. These can be easily researched and if you feel that you have a cataract that needs attention, knowing these cataract warning signs can help you determine whether or not it’s time to make that appointment with your optometrist.

The same can be said of literally any illness or condition from cancer to Alzheimer’s and everything in between. Take the time to visit sites like AARP and other informative organizations that cater to adults over 50. This is where you will find a wealth of information on such things as eldercare, senior health and any issues you might be facing. Knowing and understanding the warning signs can help to prolong your life and the quality of that life you want to enjoy.

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Get Social                                              

Not only is aging going to be evidenced in the state of your physical wellbeing but it can also take a toll on your emotional health as well. One of the most common problems among people in their 50s and 60s is that they begin to slow down in terms of socialization. The kids are grown, they’ve flown the coop and you have begun to slow down at work. Perhaps you are working fewer hours or are even considering that early retirement you’ve worked so hard for all these years.

The one thing you want to avoid is isolating yourself from peers and family. The leading psychologists working with older Americans state that it is vital to our health and wellbeing to stay social. Refrain from isolating yourself as so many middle-aged and elder individuals have done. Join social activities that interest you and even if you have to force yourself to attend those first few meetings, you will soon be looking forward to getting out and about.

Monitoring Your Health with Wearables

When it comes to your health, there was never a time in our history that gave us the privilege of being proactive in our own healthcare. You have the technology to thank for that and even though you may not understand all the intricate workings of those cell phones and wearable devices like Fitbit, they can help both you and your healthcare provider to monitor your day-to-day vitals.

Whether you have diabetes, cardiovascular issues, or are simply concerned with staying as fit as possible for your age, these wearable devices can monitor your health 24/7 so that you can get and follow the ongoing state of your health. Technology is nothing to be feared as it can be the key to recognizing those early warning signs mentioned above.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

Finally, the one thing that almost every person experiences when approaching their senior years is a fear of losing their independence. As mentioned above, technology and a better grasp of all that information available to you can help you maintain your independence well into your senior years. However, there will be times when you are simply unable to do the things you once did without a thought. From vacuuming the staircase to shoveling snow in the driveway, there are some things you will no longer be able to do safely.

The same holds true for times of depression. While some people embrace aging as a cup half full, others focus on that empty feeling now that so many things are missing from their lives. The kids are gone, friends have moved or passed away and even marriages have dissolved, leaving them what they consider to be totally alone. This is not true! Don’t be afraid to ask for help when help is needed. From in-home healthcare to support groups within your community, there are a number of services available to you. Help is never far away if you take the initiative to ask for it.

Being proactive in your own health and emotional wellbeing begins with a willingness to understand the changes you will be experiencing. It is nothing to be feared if you have the right tools and make use of them. Remember, you are never alone as help is right around the corner.

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Key Ways to Be Proactive in Your Own Physical and Emotional Wellbeing
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