Fight the Aging Process and Regain Precious Sleep with DHEA

DHEA Hormone

By Dr. John R. Woodward, MD  –

Dehydroepiandros­terone (DHEA) is a naturally occurring pro-hormone produced by the adrenal glands, gonads and the skin. DHEA, the most abundant pro-hormone in the body, is one of the building blocks of hormones such as testosterone, estrogen and about 50 others that drive our energy, mood, muscle tone, fat, quality of sleep, mental sharpness, sex drive and more.

We produce more and more DHEA from birth to adulthood and in our reproductive prime. But after about age 25, both males and females make less and less each year for the rest of their lives. So by age 35 people are making about 20% less than when they were at their best, and by age 50, people are only making half as much as when they were in their prime.

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Men and women notice symptoms from this gradual decline in hormones after about age 35 such as poor sleep, lack of energy, susceptibility to in­fections, more colds and flu, loss of muscle tone and weight gain. These signs may be accompanied by a loss of focus and mental sharpness, decreased libido, thin papery skin, age spots and wrinkles. Many women have found DHEA to be effective as a natural rem­edy to stave off symptoms of menopause, because DHEA, as the mother hormone, or base building block for hormones allows the body to make more of the androgens and estrogens that begin to decline causing what is called “menopause”. But this works just the same for men who begin to feel these hormonal declines at about the same age in many of the same ways – called “andropause”

What’s new information for many, and crucial with regard to using DHEA the right way, is that the skin, or dermis, is the largest organ of the human body and an organ in which many biological processes occur. It turns out that much DHEA processing actually occurs in the skin. DHEA supple­ments can be found in pill and cream form, however most DHEA taken orally is eliminated by the liver, and only raises DHEA sulfate levels rather than free DHEA.  Free DHEA is the base for hormones, not DHEA sulfate; and the body cannot make free DHEA from DHEA sulfate.  So to truly get the benefits DHEA can provide, DHEA should be used as a properly made bioidentical DHEA cream. The cream is ap­plied on thin hairless skin each day to safely support the body’s natural hormone production.

Many sleep issues experienced during menopause or andropause are caused by de­clining hormone levels. A decrease in estrogen production can cause women to experience hot flashes. For men, a decrease in testosterone production can be noticed by reduced energy, poor sleep, loss of muscle tone, more abdominal fat, and reduced sex drive. Lack of deep sleep at night can lead to a lack of energy, bad mood, loss of mental sharpness, weight gain, impaired ability to make decisions and increased risk of conditions including high blood pres­sure and Type 2 diabetes.

So if you are 35 or up, male or female, I strongly recommend you start using a high quality bioidentical DHEA cream daily to allow your body to make hormones naturally and regain your youthful vitality, and do yourself a big favor in terms of your overall health and happiness day to day.

Dr. John R. Woodward, MDJohn R. Woodward, M.D., is a board-certi­fied gynecologic endo­crinologist practicing at Medical City Dallas.

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Fight the Aging Process and Regain Precious Sleep with DHEA
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