Instead of enhancing us our stuff can drain us

By Carrie Saba –

When was the last time you really looked around your house, office or car? Do you see a bunch of clutter or old files you haven’t looked at in years? Are you keeping things that you don’t really like or need?

When you start to release the emotional grip on your stuff you will get clearer on who you are at this point in your life. Life doesn’t stay the same. We grow and change and sometimes the things in our homes no longer work for the person we are today.

fall scents for your home

When our stuff starts to overtake our space it can affect our moods, our sleep, how eat and how we think. Instead of enhancing us our stuff drains us. Do you have an over abundance of stuff that could be draining your energy and affecting your overall sense of well-being and happiness?

4 reasons to start getting rid of the stuff in our life that no longer serves you:
It will create space for new opportunities
Your creativity will start to flow as you won’t feel stagnant
You will be energized because the stuff that was draining you has been released
You will feel an overall sense of well-being

I am not going to try to convince you that organizing and clearing out is easy. It can be overwhelming, emotional and it can take up a lot of time. But the end result feels so good and truly opens up a realm of new possibilities. Whether its clothes you haven’t worn in a year, your children’s toys that no longer get played with, or kitchen items you never used, it is time to let it go.

Three ways you can get started on de-cluttering so you are clearer about your life:

Go to one room in your house and look at the stuff in the room and ask yourself:
• Do I love it?
• Does it make me feel good?
• Do I use it?
• Am I keeping it out of obligation or guilt?
• Decide what must go.

Choose to do a few small things each day – start with the junk drawer and move from there. Try setting a timer for 5 minutes a day and you will be surprised on how much you can de-clutter in 5 minutes.

Start with your closet. When you are picking out your clothes in the morning if you come across something you haven’t worn in a year put it in a pile and eventually you will have gone through your whole closet. Then work on a drawer.

What to do with the stuff you don’t want any longer:
• Give it to a friend or family member you think might enjoy it.
• Sell it online or have a garage sale.
• Donate it.

Let your stuff enhance who you really are today and get rid of the stuff that no longer serves you.

Carrie Saba, Holistic Health Coach, helps others see their inner strength through a new light. Her clients are energized by her insightful, upbeat coaching style. Carrie believes our spirit is fed by how we think, what we experience and what we eat. She empowers her clients and believes everyone should know their brilliance and enjoy life. You can follow Carrie’s blog and learn more about her at

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Instead of enhancing us our stuff can drain us
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