Calling All Women: You CAN Learn to Live Better for Longer

Calling All Women: You CAN Learn to Live Better for Longer

The women of today have built a life competing with men in the professional world and have, for the first time in history, earned their rightful place in positions of authority. No, women are not yet where they want to be on the hierarchical food chain, but at least they have made a start and are finally even making it to the coveted levels of upper management.

For those of us in our middle years, it’s time to step back and take a look at our lives thus far. It’s time to start thinking about how to spend the upcoming golden years and how we can take steps to live better for longer. It can be done if you think of your life like a well-oiled machine. Model your life like a business venture and you really can live better longer. Here’s how:

1. Economize

When you hear the word ‘economize’ don’t automatically assume it is in relation to budget and money although that is important. There comes a time when you simply can’t do all that you have done in earlier years and so you need to learn to slow it down a bit. Learn to work smarter, not harder and economize on your time and efforts. Take a lesson from the 6 Sigma philosophy found on the website and learn to reduce waste – in time that is. By streamlining all you do at this point in your life you can get more done with less effort. This leaves time for the things you’d like to do without overtaxing your body.

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2. Spend Time on YOU

So many women reach a point when they suddenly realize they have spent their entire lives focused on someone else. They are wives, mothers, employees, best friends and always something important to other people. Why not take the time to finally be important to yourself? Do things you’ve always wanted to do no matter how crazy it may sound to others. Always wanted to hike Mt. Kilimanjaro? Your friends might think you’ve lost it but there is no reason you shouldn’t give it a try! Join a gym, get in shape and take your next vacation in Africa. Why not? Who is stopping you but you?

3. Eat, Drink and Be Merry

No, you are not being advised to overindulge in the way in which this might sound. But you do need to focus on eating healthy foods, getting plenty of water in your system to flush the toxins through and exercising muscles you might not even remember you have! Want to stay healthy and active for longer? Get out and get moving! It’s a simple formula for success in later years and one you need to start learning today in your middle years. Make a habit of eating well, drinking plenty of water and working out to the level of your ability and you will be surprised at just how young you will begin to feel.

Women have come a very long way in a very short period of time when seen in the perspective of how long men have dominated the world. It’s time to step back and think about your life to date and look at where you’ve yet to go. Don’t keep pushing beyond your endurance but do take time to enjoy yourself. You can live better for longer by taking care of yourself today. It could be just as simple as that so give it a try!


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Calling All Women: You CAN Learn to Live Better for Longer
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