A View From The Heavens

“Let heaven and earth praise him, the seas and all that move in them…”  Psalm 69:34

Heaven…earth….seas….that pretty much covers everything, wouldn’t you say? David knew that God needs to hear our praise and prayers from everywhere, ESPECIALLY when we are going through trials, and ESPECIALLY when we feel like those trials are never going to end. But do we know that? Do I? Have I prayed from good old terra firma? Oh yes. The dirt and I are very well acquainted. I’ve cried into it, pounded it, stomped it, kicked it…you name it, and all in the name of being mad at God, angry with God, gut-wrenching sad, or just to vent my spleen at God. You see, when things go well, I can walk around with a spring in my step, saying “thank you God, thank you God…la la laaa.” But when times are not so good, my tone changes a lot. Getting persnickety with God is pretty easy when we’re standing on the solid earth that He put below our feet.

Have I prayed in the heavens? I have now! I did something wild yesterday – I went flying! I’m not talking about getting onto a commercial flight and heading to a big city or exotic destination. I’m talking flying – you know, little plane, propeller in front, headset – you know…flying, and I was doing the flying! It was amazing, and terrifying, and thrilling….and I prayed! Oh God! Please don’t let the earth come at me too fast! Oh God! Please keep this chunk of machinery up here! Oh God! Thank you for not….oh wait…thank you….for this amazing view. Thank you…for this really patient man who volunteered to put his life in my hands (my instructor, Gary, is a patient, trusting, amazing man). Thank you…for the opportunity to do this. I learned a lot yesterday. The view from “up there” changes your perspective…a lot. And if my perspective is different at 3000 feet, I can only imagine how very different God’s perspective is from mine. The world looked so much smaller, and the sensation, well, it was such a different feeling than having your feet on the ground. It felt easier to praise God there. Easier to let go of my earthly concerns. Heaven…”the” heaven…must be even so much more amazing.

So yes, in my trials, in my distress, I will praise Him.

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Lord, thank you for giving me a chance to view the world from your perspective. Thank you for showing me that my trials are not the only things in my life. I praise you for your perfect timing, and for your amazing grace. Be with me always, and hold me in your hand, especially when I feel so very…earthbound. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Copyright ConnieD 2011. All rights reserved.

Originally posted on ProChristianWoman.

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A View From The Heavens
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