Tips That Can Make Staying Fit After 50 Easy

staying fit

It’s never too late for you to begin focusing on yourself. Believe it or not, your 5th decade is the ideal time for you to make fitness a priority. The thing is, now that you’re a bit older, getting fit isn’t solely about looking your best – it’s also about maintaining your health and mobility for as long as possible and feeling your best. Here’s a quick look at a few tips that you can use to get and stay as fit as you can both now and in the future.

Limit or Stop the Intake of Alcohol

You may enjoy having a drink once in a while, but it shouldn’t be a daily occurrence. If it is, you may want to consider online alcohol treatment. See, as we age, our tolerance for alcohol lowers. That can make us feel the effects in a shorter amount of time while also putting us at risk for injuries and accidents. Drinking can also increase the chances of you developing certain health issues. It can raise your blood pressure and also lead to weight gain.


If you’re not a fan of running but you still enjoy getting a bit of fresh air while you work on your fitness, this one might be just the thing for you. Walking uphill or power walking is a fantastic type of exercise for people in their golden years due to it being low impact, having a low risk of injury, being easy on the joints, and cost-effective. It’s also something you can do regardless of where you are and it’s been shown to reduce pain from arthritis, give your immune system a boost, lower your blood pressure, and decrease the risk you have of developing heart disease.

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Get Wet

One of the best ways to keep fit in your 50s is to go for a swim. This is a low-impact workout that works your whole body out while also keeping your joints protected from strain and stress. It assists you with building your cardiovascular and aerobic base, and your muscle base too, without injuring your joints. 

Get Out

It’s been suggested that when people are outdoors in nature, there’s a dramatic shift in their outlook and mood. Exercising in nature is a spectacular medicine for many people suffering from grief, trauma, anxiety, or depression. It doesn’t matter what type of exercise you do either. Just get outside and get moving.

Group Up

A spectacular method of encouraging yourself to exercise is to do it as a part of a group. A group can motivate you because of the social aspect of it. This is especially true if the other members of the group get to know you and then start realizing when you’re there and when you aren’t. It can also cause you to broaden your social circle and that in itself is something that can be difficult to do once you reach a certain age.

Think About It

Finally, realize that yes, attempting to remain fit once you reach the age of 50 can be a bit intimidating – especially if your vision of exercise is confined to those high-energy, heart-thumping workouts. That being said, there are quite a few different activities that count as a form of exercise that you’ll probably find quite a bit less intimidating. Things like dancing, moderate housework like vacuuming and sweeping, and even gardening fall into that list.  The point is that you get – and keep – your body moving as much as you can for as long as you can while also being careful what you put into your body.

LivingBetter50 is a magazine for women over 50, offering an over 50 magazine free download for women with spirit!

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Tips That Can Make Staying Fit After 50 Easy
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