Staying Fit and Strong as a Senior Couple

staying fit

Once you reach your senior years, it’s more important than ever to stay fit and healthy. However, as you move through the aging process, your mobility and cognitive function will begin to decline, which is why it’s time to factor in regular exercise for maintaining an excellent quality of life. While it’s great taking this step on your own, encouraging your partner to exercise too will benefit both of you enormously.

Regardless of your age or physical condition, it’s never too late to reap the benefits of exercise. With that in mind, here are some ways to stay fit and strong as a senior couple.

Go for Regular Walks

As a senior couple, the idea of going to a gym and performing high-intensity workouts may be the last thing on your agenda. If you’d rather steer away from a fitness center, why not get outside and go for regular walks instead? There are invaluable benefits linked to walking. Firstly, regular brisk walks can help you both maintain a healthy weight, lose body fat, and elevate cardiovascular fitness. If you’re both able to, going for walks around your neighborhood can be a great way to get out of the house, get fresh air in your lungs, and reap the benefits of natural light.

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Try Yoga

Many seniors enjoy low-intensity activities like yoga. Yoga is fantastic for older couples who want to stay fit and active. This is because the activity involves slower movements, which create less strain and stress on joints, tendons, and ligaments. What’s more, yoga can effectively target and strengthen your body, and improve posture, stability, and balance. You don’t need to sign up for a yoga class to reap the benefits either. Thanks to technology, you can put on a yoga tutorial on YouTube which will allow you both to perform stretches and poses at home. 

Go for a Swim

If you’re lucky enough to have your own swimming pool or have a facility nearby, there’s nothing quite like going for a dip together. Swimming is packed with health benefits that will keep you fit and active throughout your senior years. Swimming gets your heart pumping, builds muscle strength and endurance, and helps you maintain a healthy weight. Before you head to the pool, turkesterone is a great supplement to try as it can aid in improving your strength. This can help you swim better and get the most out of your session. 

Play Chess

While a lot of focus is put on the physical side of things, senior couples need to pay attention to their mental wellbeing too. As you age, your cognitive function will decline. Therefore, keeping your brain active is key to staying fit and strong both mentally and physically. A game like chess can improve memory, enhance reading skills, and increase your IQ. Chess can also help in preventing Alzheimer’s disease. If you’re not able to get out and about, all you need to do is whip out a chessboard and you and your partner can play for hours on end. 

Balance Exercises

The number one cause of injury among senior Americans is falling. Therefore, now is the time to gain more strength and muscle mass. You can achieve this by performing balancing exercises. Balance exercises are great for reversing the age-related loss of balance and building better posture. What’s more, you and your loved one can try them out from the comfort of your own home.

Just because you’re a senior, does not mean you have to put your feet up. Whether you’re a lover of health and fitness or not, there are tons of fun activities you can do as a couple that will keep you both fit and strong well into your golden years.

LivingBetter50 is a magazine for women over 50, offering an over 50 magazine free download for women with spirit!

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Staying Fit and Strong as a Senior Couple
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