Your Skin – The Most Important Thing You’ll Ever Wear!

By Ela Klein –

Why we need to look after our skin from a very early age-

These days most parents make sure their children don’t go out without skin protection and a hat and other appropriate clothing in the summer months.

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When I grew up we never bothered to apply any protection and I’m sure my mother did what she thought was the best to do.

I remember my nose pealing; it was even fun picking off the bits. I grew up in South Africa, so you can imagine there was a lot of sun. If I think back I’m absolutely horrified.

Now many years later I have started to pay the price, I have visible sun damage and of course this is not reversible.

If I may quote Elizabeth Taylor again: with 20 you have the face you are born with – with 40 you have the face you deserve.

I realise that I cannot just go out and purchase a new skin – I can and do like to follow trends and keep up with the fashion of shoes and clothes even handbags and glasses.

You cannot do this with your skin – you are stuck with the one you were given, no matter what the fashion.

So best look after the one you got.

For me it is important to have a good and easy skin care regime, I don’t know about you, but I never seem to have enough time, so I like a no fuss quick and effective routine.

Use a cleanser suitable for your skin type and life style.
It is important to cleanse twice a day

• Mornings
When you sleep your body temperature rises and you can perspire a fair amount when asleep (let’s face it some nights are just a nightmare with night sweats!)

Facial cleanerIt is important to clean your face and refresh the skin with a mild and gentle cleanser. I like a foaming cleanser and of course my favourite “Good to Go”.

• Evenings
To make sure you have removed all the traces of makeup which you might have worn during the day. There is a lot of pollution, especially if you live in a busy city with many cars etc.

If I have spent a day in the city I make sure I double cleanse in the evening.

Toning is the second step in a good skincare regime. It refines. Tones, balances and give a double cleanses of deeply embedded debris and last traces of cleanser.

Do use a dampened cotton pad – it is a lot gentler on the skin and your toner will last you a lot longer as you will not be using as much.

Consider your toner as your rinse cycle in your daily routine.

You can also spray a little toner to you face after you have applied your make up, it will help to set your make up and also refresh you.

Try and use a toner which is alcohol free, you don’t want your skin to be stripped off its natural oils – these are the oils which maintain a healthy glow and keep your skin elastic.

night creamMOISTURIZE
You must moisturize. Again try and find the perfect moisturizer for your skin and make sure you moisturize after toning, twice a day.

Use a moisturizer which includes a sun protection factor; if not then apply a sun protection after your moisturizer for the day.

There are some fabulous night creams available too; my favourite is our aromatherapy resting cream, Repose, suitable for all skin types. It aids a restful sleep while preventing premature ageing.

I might have sun damage, but my skin does glow and I do look radiant and that is thank to a good skin care routine using good quality products.

Of course you need to treat and mask too, but more details on that in my next article.

Ela Klein is an independent Lifestyle Consultant. She teaches lifestyle classes where she shows ladies and men how to perform a spa type facial as well as a body spa classes on themselves. For more information as well as product selection she can be contacted on, Website:

1 thought on “Your Skin – The Most Important Thing You’ll Ever Wear!”

  1. sylvia henderson


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Your Skin – The Most Important Thing You’ll Ever Wear!
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