Common Methods To Remove Unwanted Persistent Fats

persistent fats

There are many options for unwanted persistent fats removal these days. Evidently, these treatments all range in cost and effectiveness, as persistent fats can have numerous underlying causes. Overall, the options can be divided into surgical and non-surgical fat reduction procedures. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of Surgical Fat Reduction

One of the best-known treatments for surgical fat reduction is liposuction. The procedure is implemented for a variety of reasons these days, ranging from body contouring to giving a patient a kick-start for a new healthier lifestyle.

The main advantage of liposuction is that it permanently removes unwanted fat cells. Subsequently, the fat cannot return to the area in question. That being said, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle after the procedure, as fat accumulation can still occur in other areas of the body where fat cells remain.

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One of the downsides of this type of cosmetic surgery is the downtime. Most people who have liposuction will have to take some time off work in order to recover. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of Non-Surgical Fat Reduction

persistent fatsThere are many non-surgical fat reduction treatments as well. Of course, these treatments can vary considerably in terms of techniques, downtimes, and overall suitability depending on the desired results for the patient.

A  good example of a non-surgical procedure is VelaShape. It is a body contouring treatment that temporarily reduces cellulite as well as tightens the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, upper arms, and other areas where patients want to reduce excess fat.

The main advantage of the Velashape is that it is not associated with any downtime. While there can be some side-effects, no time off work will be required. And since the procedure is also relatively painless, it is an option for many people.

Of course, there are some downsides associated with the Velashape. Since the fat cells are not removed surgically, most people will need several treatments to reach the desired effect. In addition to that, this kind of treatment is temporary in nature, which means it is necessary to head back to the clinic in question and have maintenance treatments once a year. These maintenance treatments are usually three to four-session, similar to the original Velashape treatment. 

How To Decide Between Surgical and Non-Surgical?

persistent fatsBoth treatments have their own merit, and it is likely that some treatments are more suitable for certain people. For example, those looking for a slight tune-up with little excess fat might find the Velashape more useful. On the other hand, those who have struggled with persistent fats in a certain area for years, which cannot be shifted through diet and exercise alone, may find liposuction more useful.

There is also an additional consideration. The VelaShape also reduces the appearance of cellulite while liposuction does not. However, the VelaShape does not provide the dramatic results that liposuction does.

It is not uncommon for surgeons to combine surgical and non-surgical treatments to obtain the best results. It is always best to speak to an experienced healthcare professional about the options available to you. There is plenty of information online, but nothing beats talking to someone who knows the ins and outs of these procedures. Obviously, you should not limit your consultations to a single healthcare professional, as this only provides you a limited view of the treatments available to you.

Dr. Lanzer recommends always getting a second opinion before considering a cosmetic treatment. A second opinion enables you to make a more informed decision, especially when it comes to surgery.

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Common Methods To Remove Unwanted Persistent Fats
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