Are You a Good Candidate for an Eyelid Lift Surgery?

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By Dr. Azizzadeh –

While we all develop some fine lines around our eyes as we age, the changes become more prominent the older we get. Sagging eyelid skin can disturb the natural contour of the upper eyelid, and in some cases actually impede eyesight.

Fortunately, there is a simple surgical procedure available that can fix the problem. The procedure, which is called blepharoplasty, is one of the most popular procedures for individuals who are at least 50 years of age. Because it is minimally invasive and creates drastic and noticeable improvements, it has become the go-to treatment option for patients looking to fix sagging eyelid skin. A great surgeon will be able use the procedure to trim back the skin, giving the patient a more youthful look, while simultaneously allowing for better vision.

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Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty

The upper eyelid blepharoplasty succesfully removes excessive skin, muscle folds, and fatty bags that are usually found in the inside corner of the eye.

If the eyelid skin is excessive, it may obstruct vision leading to a peripheral field defect. In such cases, it actually becomes a medical indication for performing the procedure in combination with a forehead or brow lift.

Once the surgery has been completed, extremely fine stitches are used for surgical closure. These stitches are usually removed within a week. Once healed, the hairline scars will fade, leaving a very inconspicuous incision line that becomes virtually unnoticeable after a shorttime.

Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty

Puffiness of the lower eyelids, which is often caused by an accumulation of fluid within the skin or by excessive fatty deposits, can be effectively treated with lower eyelid blepharoplasty. The procedure is also great for treating dark circles under the eyes, which are often caused by pigmentations in the skin, as well as by shadows cast by fatty deposits.

Am I a good candidate?

If you are in good health, a non-smoker, and not suffering from any serious health or eye conditions, you are a good candidatefor blepharoplasty. Anyone with an eye condition like glaucoma, dry eye, or a detached retina may not be a suitable candidate for this particular surgery. The same goes for people who have any type of cardiovascular disease.

Additionally, please note that if the upper eyelid is impeding vision, insurance will usually cover the cost of surgery.

Blepharoplasty usually takes about an hour to perform, and it generally does not require an overnight stay. Stitches are removed within a week, and patients can usually re-establish their normal activities within two weeks.

If you think you might be a candidate for blepharoplasty eyelid surgery you can schedule a consultation with Beverly Hills eyelid expert Dr. Azizzadeh by calling 310.657.2203 today!

3 thoughts on “Are You a Good Candidate for an Eyelid Lift Surgery?”

  1. For those of you who want to avoid surgery, you can easily lift sagging eyelids and droopy eye brows by performing an isometric exercise that will begin to tighten and firm your less than tight forehead.

    Facial Magic will teach you how to lift and firm all areas of your face and neck. Most users say they look 10-15 years younger in 9 to12 weeks. No surgery, no drugs, no disappointment.

  2. It improves the appearance of the upper eyelids, lower eyelids or both. Blepharoplasty or cosmetic eyelid lift surgery is mostly performed on adult men and women. But if you are suffering from any eye diseases such as glaucoma, dry eye etc. don’t go for a nose job in the first place instead just tell that to your surgeon. Check this one, it will help you a lot more in this.

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Are You a Good Candidate for an Eyelid Lift Surgery?
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