It’s Not About The Dream!

Jacob sleeping in Genesis 28:11By Chris Wave –

Gen 28  (NECWT)  New English ChrisWave translation.

Lance Armstrong wrote a book about his life called, It’s Not About the Bike…I would write my story using Genesis 28, It’s not about the dream!

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I love the story of Jacob, the trickster, manipulator, liar, conspirator, and I think a lazy, undisciplined, indulged rich-boy. Always ready to act from a greedy heart, never from any right motive.

Jacob wants the blessing and will lie cheat and steal it if he must to secure it. What would we say about a guy like that today? Yet in the end, he is the one who receives the 10 fold blessing of the MOST HIGH GOD. Jacob gets to see the ladder propped against Earth, the heavens, the angels!  That Jacob, we would say, he must be living right.

This chapter of Genesis causes war to be made in my brain. Jacob knowingly does all the wrong things with no apology to anyone, least of all GOD. And he is blessed with THE blessing.

You reap what you sow? Well, thank God, not in Heaven’s economy. All that is required is that I believe on the LORD JESUS CHRIST….

Graham Cooke noted a time like this in his life when he was in civil disobedience to the LORD and he was blessed and blessed and blessed. So it goes with Jacob. He not only recieves the blessing, he gets the dream!

How often I go to the woulda shoulda coulda well. ‘I wish I woulda done this, I should not have done that, said that…I probably can’t know the deep and unsearchable things because of the mess that I am. …that is given to people far holier and more sanctified than I will ever be…’ Jacob the liar straightens out my pagan theology.

I have done HUGE wrong, every church I have been in has done wrong, my husband does wrong, my children do wrong, my daughter, in her civil disobedience was profoundly blessed and honored, and courted of the LORD.

For me, Gen 28 is not so much about the “The Dream” as it is about the unponderable grace of our God.

The God that tells me…None of my bad behovior can negate verse 15 which says;  Behold I am with you and will keep you in ALL PLACES WHEREVER YOU GO…and I will not leave you until I HAVE DONE ALL THAT I PROMISED…

Chris-Marie Wave
Prae Ferre Dominus Quae

Chris Wave, author of Conversations at the Girlville Diner (Hariold Shaw 1999, Waterbrook 2001)

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It’s Not About The Dream!
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