Dealing With a Partner Who May Be Depressed

Dealing with a Partner Who May Be Depressed

Depression in a relationship can greatly impact both parties involved. Oftentimes, someone close to a person dealing with depression will recognize the symptoms even before that individual does. Though it may be difficult to address, it is very important to notice when your partner may be suffering in order to get them the help that they need.             

Left untreated, depression can go on for months and even years spiraling into problems like self-harm, harm to others, and even suicide. It’s important to recognize key signs in order to know when it’s time to suggest self-care or professional help.

Even for those who don’t want traditional in-office therapy, there are other options like using LARKR, a mental health app that allows users to access therapists across the country from the comfort of their home. Online therapy has allowed the internet to blossom with life changing options!

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A study done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revealed that women ages 40 – 59 have the highest rate of depression in the United States. While women’s numbers are higher, studies have also shown that men are much less likely to report depression, but more likely to commit suicide. So recognizing symptoms of depression for our age demographic is of critical importance across both sexes. 

Though it may look different for each individual, depression has specific signs that can be noticeable in anyone. Here are a few cues that your partner may be dealing with depression, so you can support and encourage them:


People going through depression often experience a decrease in their tolerance levels. They may be quick to anger, which can put extreme pressure and stress onto an intimate relationship. As their partner, dealing with someone who has frequent agitated moods may be hard to handle or process. If you notice your significant other increasingly becoming bothered by things that typically don’t upset them, then try to sit them down when they are in a better mood and ask why these things bothered them. They may reveal other issues that have nothing to do with the matter that actually upset them in the moment.

Loss of Interest in Things Once Pleasurable

One of the most easily recognizable symptoms of depression is when your partner losses enthusiasm and interest in things that they normally find enjoyable or exciting. This can also include a decrease in interest for intimacy within the relationship. They may not want to leave the house as much or do things with you that they normally enjoy. When this occurs, be patient with your partner. Try to encourage them to be more active and remind them of the things they normally like to enjoy without trying to force them to do certain activities.

Digestive Problems & Changes in Appetite

There are various physical reactions that the body can develop while experiencing depression. This can include nausea, diarrhea, constipation and digestive problems. Stomach issues are a common symptom in people with depression or anxiety. Existing medical issues such as Crohn’s disease, colitis or ulcers can also be worsened by the stress of anxiety.

In addition, food is often related to emotional stress and sadness. You may notice that your partner is eating aggressively more or less than their normal amount. If your partner is experiencing significant changes in their diet or current illnesses become heightened, you should encourage them to get a diagnosis as soon as possible.

Constant Fatigue or Restlessness

People who are depressed often experience difficulty with their sleeping patterns. They may sleep too much or not be able to sleep at all. They may also have issues sleeping throughout the night which can lead to exhaustion. It’s also important not to confuse symptoms of depression with symptoms of chronic fatigue. If your partner’s constant fatigue is paired with other signs of depression and physical pain such as headaches or cramps, then it may be time to seek a therapist.

Suicidal Thoughts

Comments and thoughts of suicide should never be taken lightly. Though many would consider this to be an obvious symptom, sometimes it is a warning sign that is brushed off. If your loved one has made comments about suicide, you should seek care immediately. If you don’t feel well equipped to help them or provide encouragement, offer them the phone number for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. This will provide them with immediate help. However, anyone experiencing suicidal thoughts should quickly seek mental health care from a licensed therapist.

Other symptoms of depression can also include concentration problems, unexplained aches and pains, pessimism or anxiousness. Going through tough obstacles like divorce, family trauma, financial worries and sometimes death of a loved one can significantly influence the mood of adults over 50, and send someone into a spiral of depression. This is why it so important to treat depression early to increase the chances for a successful recovery.

LARKR appIf you or someone you know is potentially suffering from depression, LARKR is an easy way to take the first step towards living a happier and healthier life. Within minutes, the easy-to-use app connects you to a therapist, based off of your needs and specific situation, and all from the convenience of your smartphone. In addition to therapy sessions, it has features like free guided meditations and daily mood trackers to help keep you on the right path. Try the app today to meet your new professional, licensed and confidential therapist.

Christianne Kernes is a co-founder of LARKR and highly respected licensed marriage and family therapist with more than a decade of experience. 



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Dealing With a Partner Who May Be Depressed
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