I woke up with the words “comfortably numb” on my mind and I don’t mean the song by Pink Floyd. Comfortably numb…hmm…have I become comfortably numb? As the day went on, those two words continued to roll around in my head like the clothes being tossed to and fro in my dryer. I knew God was trying to show me something.
The next morning at 4 a.m., I am wide awake because I am still hearing the words “comfortably numb”. As I lay in bed I say, “Okay God, I hear You, You have my attention. What are you trying to tell me?” Any thought of staying in my warm bed was gone at that point.
Snuggled in my warm bathrobe with a cup of coffee, I sat down and got to work trying to understand what God was telling me. I googled the definition of “numb” and looked up its synonyms.
Meaning of “Numb”
Numb when used as a verb means to “deprive of feeling or responsiveness”. Some of the synonyms for numb are: apathetic, indifferent, callous, detached, aloof, disinterested, insensible, unconcerned, and unfeeling.
Ouch! If the definition of “numb” was not enough to get my attention, the synonyms were like arrows that pierced my heart. Have we as Christians become numb to the needs around us? Have we become apathetic, indifferent, callous, detached, aloof, disinterested, insensible, unconcerned, and unfeeling towards those lost in the darkness? Are we so “comfortably numb” that the depravity of this world no longer bothers us? Is it possible that we can make a difference?
In Ezekiel 22:30, God is looking for intercessors, people who will stand in the gap. “I looked for someone to stand up for me against all this, to repair the defenses of the city, to take a stand for me and stand in the gap to protect this land so I wouldn’t have to destroy it. I couldn’t find anyone.” (MSG)
God couldn’t find anyone. Not one priest, not one prophet, not one prince, and not even one person who was willing to intercede in prayer. Today God is still looking for prayer warriors who will stand in the gap. He is looking for those who have not become comfortably numb to the needs of those in their community and the world.
Prayer makes the difference
One person can make a difference with their prayers. Today I am answering God’s call in Ezekiel 22 and I will pray for the lost. Will you also answer the call? Join me and pray against the wickedness of this world? Will you pray for our leaders and will you pray against the division in this country? Let’s ask God to burden our hearts for the needs of this world so that we never become “comfortably numb”.
I am not sure exactly what Pink Floyd was singing about in their song, “Comfortably Numb”. Some say it was drugs. Roger Waters who wrote it said it was not. It really doesn’t matter and I don’t think God gave me those two words because of the song. However, as I am typing this, the opening lyrics of the song are playing in my head and they seem to go perfectly with Ezekiel 22.
Hello? Hello? and Hello?
Is there anybody in there? (Or in this case, “out there”?)
Just nod if you can hear me.
God is looking for someone to answer the call to intercede in prayer for this world. Is that you? Just nod if you can hear Him.
Kim Chaffin – is the author of “Simply Blessed’ a 31-day devotional from BroadStreet Publishing. She is also the creator of Heartfelt Ramblings of a Midlife Domestic goddess. Contact via mommachaffy1808@gmail.com, Instagram, and Facebook
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