Advantages of Technology for Kids

advantage of technology for kids

By Sophie Hazan –

Kids today have access to so much technology, and there has been a lot of discussion in the media about whether this is a good or a bad thing. However, scientists are now backing the idea that technology is great for kids and their education.

Massey Professor Mark Brown says that because so much of modern life revolves around technology – from iPads and mobile phones to online news sites and electronic reading devices – it’s important for children to be engaged with technology. Professor Brown said:

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“If our children are to take full advantage of the potential benefits offered by new forms of digital learning, then access to appropriate technology is essential.”

In many schools, children are allowed to browse the internet for information – it’s incredible how many facts are at their fingertips when they sit down in front of a computer. Of course schools are still stressing the importance of books, but children can access information on the internet that the school might not have in their library.

Some argue that the internet is not the best place to find facts. While it’s true you have to be careful when researching online to sift the credible from the incredibly inaccurate, children won’t know this if they are not taught how to do proper online research in school.

Technology also makes education more fun. Everyone has a different learning style and while some kids love reading and writing and listening to the teacher, others remember things better if they have seen an interesting presentation on a projection screen, or completed an exercise in front of the class on an interactive white board.

This emphasises the need for schools to work with supply companies such as hope education which provide not only standard equipment to schools but also other more advanced equipment in order to ensure children receive the most up to date learning benefits.

Education technology is not just for schools either. Parents can also play a part in helping their kids learn at home by giving them access to technology. Playing games on a tablet, for example, can improve a child’s hand-eye coordination as many games involve following a moving point with their eyes and responding by moving their hand to try and ‘catch it’. Games on tablets aimed at very small children also encourage motivation as children want to finish tasks so they can win the game. Of course on a literal level, some games are designed to teach kids about specific subjects like maths or science, so provide very specific educational benefits.

Video games in particular have had a bad reputation when it comes to their educational value, but experts are now saying they can improve reading comprehension and other abilities. Role playing games are now so complex that kids must employ a myriad of skills to succeed- including: problem solving, critical thinking, memorising, navigating and data-collecting to name a few.

The danger with video games is that children (and teenagers) can become addicted very quickly, and other areas in their life start to suffer like social interaction, physical exercise and reading. With all technology though, video games are a great educational tool when enjoyed by kids in moderation.

As long as there are always boundaries, and explanations from adults about how to use technology properly, it’s vital to kids’ development.


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Advantages of Technology for Kids
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