5 Tips You Can Use Right Now To Prevent Alzheimer’s and Dementia

5 Tips You Can Use Right Now To Prevent Alzheimer's and Dementia

By Cloe Mayhair –

Cognitive ability gives us the capacity to think, remember, and take control of our bodies, and is one of the most important things to preserve over time. Alzheimer’s disease and dementia both rob a person of the ability to think for themselves, and unfortunately, there hasn’t been a proven cure yet.

Current research on these types of diseases has broadened and now includes developing prevention techniques rather than just looking for a cure. The good news is that promising studies show that Alzheimer’s and Dementia risk can be reduced through living a healthy lifestyle and engaging the mind in both intellectual activities and social engagements.

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Here are 5 tips that can help you prevent Alzheimer’s and Dementia:

1. Learn how to manage stress well

Poor coping strategies and improper stress management can lead to shrinkage in neurons and damaged brain connections. This can lead to Alzheimer’s and dementia in the long run. According to a study found in Health Day News, high levels of stress can also be linked to a heart attack. Risking our heart and our brain is more than enough reason to take care of our emotional health better. Activities like yoga, meditation, and mindfulness techniques can reduce stress significantly and help with your emotional well being.

2. Stay connected

Social engagement stimulates the mind, and constant connection to people prevents Alzheimer’s later in life, so know that maintaining good quality connection with friends and family can go a long way. Sometimes you may feel like you are wasting time or should be getting other things done when spending extended amounts of time with family and friends, but know that this activity is keeping your mind engaged and is like exercise for your brain. So don’t feel guilty for connecting with friends and family, it’s a necessity.

3. Stimulate your mind

Learning and using the brain in new intellectual endeavors can help reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia, so involving yourself in multiple activities that can stimulate the brain to think will help you in the long run. Solving puzzles, practicing memorization, and riddles are a few examples of brain games that can keep your mind sharp.

4. Eat a Brain-Friendly Diet

A study published in the journal Alzheimer’s & Dementia has shown that a diet plan, called the MIND diet, can reduce Alzheimer’s risk as much as 53%. The diet includes green, leafy vegetables, nuts, berries, beans, whole grains, fish, and a few more foods. Another diet that is recommended for brain health is the Mediterranean diet, which is rich in healthy oils, beans, grains and fruits that lower the risk for developing Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

5. Move your body

50% of Alzheimer’s risk can be reduced through regular physical exercise according to Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation. Not only does this help prevent the disease, but it can also help slow down the progression of the disease in people who have already developed signs of cognitive decline.

For a comprehensive exercise program that allows you to get the best benefits for your body, mix up different types of workouts. Moderate cardio exercises like cycling or jogging builds up endurance for muscles and is beneficial for circulation. Strength training like lifting weights and planking exercises can help strengthen bones too, and coordination training can help reduce the risk of falls that may result to head injuries.

A mix of these types of exercises will help your brain and body remain fit and healthy.

Other things you can do to preserve brain function are the same as trying to preserve the body. Quitting smoking, drinking in moderation, and keeping your weight, blood pressure and cholesterol levels in check also contribute to keeping connections in the brain healthy, and makes them more resilient to damage.

The overwhelming rates and rising prevalence of Alzheimer’s and dementia all around the world can cause a lot of fear, but knowing that you can greatly reduce your risk of developing these diseases can give you peace of mind.


Cloe Mayfair is a personal fitness trainer and health fanatic! She enjoys writing and is an editor for www.healthlisted.com, a website that focuses on sharing tips and tricks about health and fitness.

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5 Tips You Can Use Right Now To Prevent Alzheimer’s and Dementia
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