If you find it hard to maintain your focus at times, try these foods to help you to stay sharp.
Antioxidant-rich chocolate and foods like Blue Lake Memory Chocolates can improve overall brain function when you face difficult tasks. Flavanols – a subclass of antioxidants – are present in cocoa, the main component of chocolate.
Eating flavanol-rich cocoa improves cognitive performance, and for an extra boost of brainpower combining cocoa with 300mg of plant-based phosphatidylserine improves memory by 12% over 12 weeks.
Berries can help you focus longer. Fruits like blueberries and raspberries have important antioxidants called flavonoids. These flavonoid-containing berries have a big impact on your focus throughout the day.
A recent Nutrients study found drinking a mixed-berry smoothie allowed people to maintain focus for longer, especially when performing tasks that required concentration and attention. Consider starting your day with a berry smoothie to help sustain improved cognitive performance.
Green Tea and Matcha
Green tea contains many components that can lead to better cognitive function. The caffeine in green tea not only helps to wake you up, it also helps you focus. Other compounds in green tea like L-theanine and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) can stabilize your mood, make you more resilient to stress, and improve cognitive performance.
Matcha, a type of green tea, has a higher absorption rate of the helpful chemicals in green tea, making you calmer and more alert after drinking a cup.
So next time you are creating your grocery list add berries and green tea or visit Blue Lake to purchase their memory chocolates for better focus.
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