The Unique Strengths of Women Entrepreneurs

By Gazelle Simmons

No matter how long I’ve been working with a particular woman entrepreneur, I will never cease to be amazed at how they can move from one area of their business to the next, while caring for a sick child yet they never think that what they are doing is remarkable.

Only someone who has done it can truly ever state just how important what they are doing is, not just for their family, but for their own well being. There is something so rewarding in seeing that you can do things well despite the many challenges to do so. Overcoming challenges that others would simply throw up their hands and give up on yet you keep going anyway.

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The definitions of strength are listed as the necessary qualities required to deal with stressful or painful situations, a source of strength or support, the ability to withstand force, pressure, or stress, a valuable or useful ability, asset, or quality and the number of people required to make something such as an army, team, or work force complete and enable it to function effectively.

As any woman entrepreneur can tell you, the ability to deal with stressful or painful situations is definitely a minimum requirement to be successful in business or in life in general. I know that stress rears its ugly head on a regular basis in my business and I’m glad I can help to try to alleviate it for my clients. It’s one of the ways that I can be a source of strength and support that I love doing. There’s nothing like using your strength to help someone else to be stronger. Thus it’s possible to have strength and be a source of strength for others. Ask any parent helping a child just how much they can pass their strength on.

I love the part of the definition addressing the ability to withstand force, pressure or stress. That for me is the best definition and shows the most uniqueness of women entrepreneurs. We can take the pressure of being a woman, being a wife, being a mom, being a friend, being a family member, being a business owner and make it look so easy to people looking in. That is where women entrepreneurs really shine. We show people that we can take it! Or we hire others to make it look that way then let them shine as well.

Most women entrepreneurs have started out in Corporate America where we learned how to be a valuable, useful asset and to produce quality as well as showcase our abilities. That kind of training is very helpful when we bring it to work for our own endeavors. We take the training of being able to work with others on a team or in the work force and focus it on our businesses, in our families and through everything we set our hands to do.

There’s nothing like a woman entrepreneur who has found her passion and funnels that into her business. There’s nothing that can keep her from moving forward not even lack of sleep, support or funds. She is unstoppable and makes the necessary steps to grow her business. That’s the blessing in it all that we have taken our strengths and made them into a force to be reckoned with. Since women entrepreneurs are growing at an impressive rate, we are finally getting the recognition for what we have been saying all along.

We are each a unique woman entrepreneur and bring our own spirit, drive, ambitions, dreams, hopes and goals into our businesses. That is the uniqueness of women entrepreneurs and we can make our businesses grow by coming together that is our greatest strength.

Since 1998, Gazelle Simmons has been a Virtual Assistant helping other business owners to grow their businesses. Her business exists to make your business grow.  Please feel free to call her at 912-225-3068, email her at or view her website at for more information.

2 thoughts on “The Unique Strengths of Women Entrepreneurs”

  1. Wow! Is this an article about me. Also love your concept as I just turned 50. I’m sure you know. LOL Well, you had me in tears. I could write the book. My daughter experienced challenges that brought her close to death. The earlier one where she lost her vision is part of my compelling story because this was the pivotal point for my doing something different as I had to quite my job and care for her 24/7. She had her own place but we brought her to ours for safety and love. She regained her vision. Praise God. But I share that I continued to minister to women, do events, minister to my family etc. Only by the grace of God. I have a son who is diagnosed with High functioning autism. Sometimes you can’t tell but there is special care required. Whew! You said it and Gazelle we even have our own lives yes? Thank you for this. Be encouraged. I’ll contact you about posting this on my blog. Love in Christ, Robin

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The Unique Strengths of Women Entrepreneurs
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