Why Retirement Could Be the Best Time of Your Life


It is often thought that old age is an afterthought to the rest of life – that it is what we will do after we have done all the real “living”, the action-packed parts of life that are really fun. But the thing is that retirement is longer than ever these days as modern medicine has meant that we are living for far longer than we ever did before. So really the question on our minds is how can we make the most out of retirement. Read on some top tips to turn your retirement into a grand finale.

Looking after grandkids

Of course, this one had to be number one. Having little children running around can be one of life’s greatest joys, especially when we no longer have to balance work around them, and can give them our undivided attention. Some people even retire just to look after their grandkids. Being able to look after grandchildren is a truly precious thing that previous generations did not always have – so make sure to make the most of it.

Holding onto memories

Some say that the sweetest parts of life are when you can think about what has happened, and really savor those experiences. This is what retirement does – it gives you the chance to look back and think about all the things you got to do and are grateful for. It means you can look through old photo albums and natter with friends about the things you did when you were young.

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Retirement homes

 In times gone by it was hard to socialize with others of a similar age and mindset when we reached a certain age, especially because friends might not have survived as long, or they had moved away. These days, there are communities full of like-minded individuals, such as Belmont Village, which provide activities and state-of-the-art facilities.

Not having to work

 It is true that work can give us a sense of purpose – that is, after all, why so many of us have jobs. But it can also be very draining, especially in this 24/7 economy where everything has to be done now, and we don’t always have time for breaks. This is why retirement is wonderful – it releases us from the duties and rush that accompany working life.

Time for hobbies

Indeed, not having to work frees up a lot of time for those luxuries that we just didn’t have time for when we were younger. Many retirees take up hobbies such as gardening, knitting, or even just reading all the novels they didn’t have time to earlier in their life. Try having a think about something you’ve always wanted to do, but never got around to doing because of time constraints!

So there you see – retirement doesn’t have to be something to dread – it could actually be the highlight of your life. It’s all really a matter of perspective and planning – think about what you have valued in your life so far, what you have not been able to do, and what you would like to get out of retirement. It almost makes you want to retire right now.

LivingBetter50 is a magazine for women over 50, offering an over 50 magazine free download for women with spirit!

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Why Retirement Could Be the Best Time of Your Life
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