Ridding Myself of the Life Sucker

By Shari Johnson –

Galatians 2:22-26 ~ But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not be desirous of vainglory, provoking one another, envying one another.

There are some days that I literally feel like I’m running toward Heaven; running to God and most assuredly away from things down here. I cannot describe the grief that comes into my soul when I am in the presence of those who tell me they are saved and yet, from their mouth oozes suffering that they inflict upon people for the pure joy of seeing someone suffer. I just don’t “get it.” Where is the fruit of the Spirit? It must have lain in the refrigerator of their heart too long and rotted, for what comes from the mouth is surely of the heart and it stinks!

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It’s likely not you; else you’d not take the time for spiritual edification; because one cannot have the mind of Christ and the mind of Satan at the same time. I can already hear you yelling, “Preach it sister!” And as you well know, I’m not a preacher, except on the rare occasion I get in a big way at my husband, and then he might disagree. But if you’ve had a day where those around you have just sucked the very life out of you by their critical nature and demeaning attitude, then you’re reading and thinking, “Please! feed me something that will be a balm to a broken heart.” This is where I’m at today, seeking soothing for the soul. I’m weary. It generally comes from too many irons in the fire, not an adequate amount of rest that leaves room for Satan to stir up my dander over things that I normally would just walk away thinking, “if they want to live frustrated, let them.”

Galatians 6:9-10  ~ says “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.”

Today I want to reap an early harvest. I want to encourage those in the household of faith. Yesterday I began my 50 RAOK (Random acts of kindness) in honor of turning 50 this coming August. I think that’s partially why Satan attacked me like he did, other than the fact he’s just mean that way. I want to be an encourager; the Lord knows there are people waiting in line to suck the life out of someone. I want to encourage you!!! I want to tell you to press on for the Lord, for great is your reward. Paul reminded me that not only those who wreak havoc will reap what they sow, but so do those who do well! Woo hoo that’s good news for us is it not? So I’m going to keep on randomly blessing people, and I encourage you to do it to. It will breathe new life into you.


Shari Johnson is “The Jesus Chick” writer/speaker and Born again child of God, saved by grace and serving Christ. Dedicated to His Service through all she does. Wife to David, Momma to Tiffani and Whitney, Nona to Luke, Noah, Nicolis and Paityn. Find her here, friend her on Facebook or read her thoughts at http://www.thejesuschick.com.

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Ridding Myself of the Life Sucker
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