Precious Moments

By Norine Rae –

As you walk into our hall bathroom hung over the throne is a simple sign displayed for all to see. It’s nothing fancy, but it is provoking, causing the reader to ponder it if only for a moment. It has six simple words: “Cherish Yesterday… Dream Tomorrow…Live Today.” I have taken time to reflect on the depth of these words. Giving thanks for the images I see – fond memories of the past, hopefulness for my future, and gratefulness for today!

Once while reflecting, I saw an hour glass. It was an ornate golden hourglass that one might see in a mystical or renaissance movie. Yet, instead of being filled with sand it glistened with golden dust which appeared as golden sand slowly moving down the narrow chamber to pool beautifully on the bottom.

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My imagination began to grow and celebrate the fact that nothing was wasted within the hourglass. Each piece of gold dust was precious – because as a whole – it formed me. It was the moments within my life; the experiences:  happy and sad – painful and healthy – failures and successes – every moment, made up who I have become. Nothing was wasted. For each was a golden moment of my life. Each flake is precious for they help to make up who I am.

Was this my life? An hourglass of precious moments: those which were not yet realized, today being the smallest portion of sand, yet still important, and there were moments to come… It was like Dickens’ Christmas Carol of the Christmas Past, Present, and Future. Yet, there were no regrets because I knew that each grain was important and valuable for these golden moments represented the moments of my life.

So take a look at the hourglass of your life. Remember to “Cherish Yesterday” by celebrating the victories and even times of adversity that seemed to plague you and to bring you to despair. You made it through them. You overcame! You are victorious! Today you are stronger because you have learned to persevere and have hope for tomorrow.

Take the time to “Dream Tomorrow” you have the wonderful opportunity to shape your future and treasure the remaining flakes of time within your hourglass. Do not stop planning and setting goals for yourself. I am fifty-four and just finishing my Masters. I have a friend who learned to play the harp at fifty. I always tell people that I am like a fine wine, getting better with age. Think of yourself as being “refined”. And what is your perception of tomorrow?

How you choose to perceive life and the future has a great deal to do with how you will respond to that which comes your way. Remember, you’re in the driver’s seat. There is so much more ahead if you only take a look into the bright side and know that there is a time and a season for all things. Delight in the future – knowing that you have so much to share by being a positive role model to others bringing love and courage to the next generation.

Be sure to “Live Today” because this is a day to give thanks for the gift of life. If you can breathe you can be thankful. My son, Ian, when he was in first grade drew a picture with his hands raised and he wrote on the picture. “I am grateful to God because I can breathe!” I have never forgotten that picture because it is God who gave us the “breath of life” and many times we forget its importance.

I know there are many challenging issues going on in the world. But, I am thankful because I woke up and I can breathe! You too can breathe or you would not be reading this right now. Take time today to enjoy something or someone special. Cherish the moments! If there is something that you really want to do and it doesn’t seem too insane ask yourself whether now would be a good time to stop what you’re doing and enjoy some precious moments before they become yesterday.


Norine Rae resides in Redding California and is scheduled to complete her Master’s in Intellectual Leadership from A.W. Tozer in May 2012. She received her BA from Central Washington University and is an Ordained Minister and holds a Degree in Evangelism from Full Gospel Bible Association. She has worked 30 years in the Human Services fields and has done extensive work in ministry, missions and leadership both foreign and domestic. She is a lifelong learner, speaker, minister, writer, mother, and friend.

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Precious Moments
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