Physical Activity and Colon Cancer Risk

By Dr. Patricia Raymond

Ever make a New Year’s Resolution?

Did one of them include moving your derriere off the couch towards a slimmer, trimmer you?

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If you did, doctors believe your hiney now has one more reason to thank you for that!

In a study that followed over 400,000 men and women for 6 years, nearly 2000 of the participants were diagnosed with either colon or rectal cancer. Within this group, researchers “found that physical activity reduced colon cancer risk, specifically for right-sided tumors and for lean participants.”While the same results did not hold true for rectal cancer, the correlation between exercise and colon cancer risk was significant when comparing the most active to inactive participants.

Okay, so maybe it’s not the most glamorous resolution, but at least now you know shaking your booty has never been so healthy!

Gastroenterologist Patricia Raymond takes medicine seriously . . . and herself lightly. The founder of Your Health Choice and Rx For Sanity, known nationally as ‘The Divine Ms. Butt Meddler’ for her efforts to reduce the screening colonoscopy ‘ick’ factor, her speeches, articles, book, and broadcasts humorously help folks make the small choices that lead to big health.

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Physical Activity and Colon Cancer Risk
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