Love What You Do

By Marcia Rotella –

Contrary to the dictates of this world, we don’t have to do it all; we don’t even have to be the most popular at it. All we need is to rely on God’s grace to accomplish above and beyond anything we could ever imagine.

Yes, I understand all about laying down our life and dying to self, but this post is not about that. This post is about finding calm at the core of our gifts.

fall scents for your home

This is the question where most of us get stuck. “Just what is it that I really love to do?” More often than not, the answer is crowded out by the world’s noise and sometimes even our own confusion.

Seek the popular.
Go for the money.
Make a name for yourself.
Invest and expand.
Is it marketable?
Sell it!
Top your competitor.
Get it now!
Upgrade, renovate, makeover.

And when you’re choking on stress, take the prescription drug, alcoholic beverage or other vice to wash down all that success.

The noisy list goes on, but I’ll go back to the beginning. Do you love what you do? Are you successful according to the world’s standards, or do you catch yourself smiling at the end of the day when you notice your heart is lined up with God’s heart, your mind and spirit as one?

Don’t misunderstand me here; there is nothing wrong with using our talents and finances shrewdly. The point I am stressing is whether you are using your gifts, or are your gifts using you?

The very core of true success is strongly rooted in peace, followed by joy which produces life, and life is produced in abundance. You flourish and everyone around you is influenced by the life abounding in you.

I’m not talking about putting on a superficial front that might convince some people and prolong your denial. I’m talking about the moment when the mask comes off, the guests have left, and your head hits the pillow. Do you think of your accomplishment skipping over the fact that you nearly killed yourself to achieve it? Or do you smile because grace made it so light that you cannot wait to give again?

It really boils down to two words…serve God. How refreshingly simple, isn’t it?

May we all pause in the middle of our work, our craft, our gift, or our common day-to-day, and may we bring our heart before the One who knows us better than we know ourselves. Let us present the question to Him, shall we?

Lord, do I love what I do?

Do You love it too?


Wife of 27 years, mother of two young adults. Currently enjoying the privilege of making a home and sharing my Father’s heart through writing, creating, and the inexhaustible joy of giving, giving, giving. Other places I share encouragement, Blog: In Stillness and Simplicity,  Twitter.

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