The Living Water

By Peggy W. Lester –

The little girl, not quite two years old, sat on top of the donkey. The water buckets tied securely on each side of the donkey. The mom was traveling to the closest water source to get her needed water for the day. She would have to make a return trip late in the afternoon for their evening water needs. She walked miles on foot daily, weekly, monthly; it is just a part of their lifestyle in the remote mountain area outside Victoria, Mexico.

We all know water is necessary to our bodies for us to live. Our body is the biggest percentage water. Here at home, there have been times when we experienced seasons of drought; long periods without rain. In these times, we had to cut back on washing our clothes, take shorter and fewer showers and be mindful of our water usage. In the mountains of Mexico, where I first began my mission work, to reach the water source often it was a long walk for the people. After seeing and experiencing this, I became more appreciative of my water source here at home.

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In John 4, Jesus referred to Himself as the Living Water when He and the woman at the well had their encounter. What does that term mean to us today? If we cannot live without taking water into our bodies, does this not say, we can’t “live” without Him? Why do we try to live without Him? Why are so many people living in a wilderness without the Living Water to give them life? Why do we run to other sources to try and get “life”; when, He is the only source of Living we need?

Over the last few years, I have had some experiences with “water”. I have been a part of digging two wells; one in Kenya and one in Nigeria. Both of these sources gave great hope to their people. In Kenya in Maasailand, the people had to walk many miles to obtain water for themselves and to water their livestock. It was a blessing to be a part of raising funds and connecting sources so the village I had visited would get their water source. My plans are to travel to Kenya this summer to visit my precious Maasai brothers and sisters. I hope to be a part of an orphanage being built in a village within a few miles of the well.

The second opportunity was to help arrange and finance the digging of a well in Okpo, Nigeria. This is a town of 350,000 people or more, where our team spoke at a conference they have every year. This village had no local water source in their village. The well was dug by hand and it took over a year to dig. Hopefully, in August of this year, I will return there to be a part of the dedication of this well.

From both of these well sources, hope, life and water have been given to the people and to their livelihood. It is great to be a part of sharing literal life, giving water with people, but the greatest privilege is sharing the eternal Living Water with those that are thirsty. I am privileged to have the opportunity to do both. How about you? Do you share the “cup of Living Water” with those you come in contact with…time is of essence today? Many have lost hope today; many are thirsty for the Living Water to be found only in the Living Water Jesus! Would you give a cup of this Living Water today to someone in need?

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The Living Water
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