Those Lazy Days of Summer

“Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth.” Proverbs 10:4

Don’t you just love lounging around in the summertime? I do. I enjoy laying in my hammock, watching the puffy clouds float by. I love closing my eyes and feeling the breeze blow over me, listening to the sounds of the leaves rustling on the trees. Could I enjoy doing those things all day, every day? Well, catch me in the right mood, and I would tell you that I would. But let’s face it, aside from getting bored after a while, I know that there are lots of things in life that need to be done before I can truly enjoy that kind of relaxation. I enjoy relaxing AFTER I’ve done the work that is important to do on any given day. Solomon knew this. In Proverbs, Solomon tells us over and over that hard work and diligence produces wealth and abundance, but that excessive sleep and laziness lead to poverty and disgrace. And Solomon’s words apply to the tangible world and the spiritual world, now and forever.

Really? Does this mean I have to work for my salvation?

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NO! Not at all!

What it does mean is that we should work to have a vibrant faith so that we can reap the joy of that faith, even when we go through trials, even when life isn’t all hunky dory. Hard work in this life doesn’t mean that you’ll never go through a trial, or face loss, or that you’ll always have perfect physical health or abundance. But if you do work hard, you’ll be able to enjoy more of the fruits of that labor that if you just sat around doing nothing. Well, the same goes for the “work” we invest in our spiritual life. If we want to enjoy the maximum benefits from our saving faith in God, through Jesus, we are told to draw near to God, and that by doing that, He will draw near to us. I’ve learned this principle during some of the greatest challenges I’ve ever faced in life, and in many of the day-to-day problems and annoyances that I’ve dealt with along the way. When my husband went through cancer, I spent time in God’s word, reading his promises and abilities. I prayed. And it was hard work, because my head was continually trying to go down a really dark path. But God comforted me. He gave me hope. He reminded me that He is bigger than cancer, bigger than fear, bigger than the here and now. When I feel afraid about unemployment and lack I pray, and God pulls me into him and puts his loving arms around me, protecting me and caring for me. He catches my tears, and opens my heart to His peace. All of those things take work – doing things that you don’t “want” to do at the time, because it’s easier to focus on the darkest things that are the furthest from God. But when we do the “work” we reap the benefit of God’s blessings, especially in hard places.

So take the time to do your work. Don’t be lazy, and you will know the wealth and riches of God.

Dear Lord, we thank you for the great promises of sharing your riches in glory with us. It is so easy to forgo the “work” of knowing you, drawing near to you, and keeping our faith in You, and in your promises. Father, we ask you for strength – strength to reject the dark path, strength to hold fast to your word, and strength to walk in your ways. Help us to deny our lazy nature so that we can grow in You. Bless us with renewal when we do draw near to you. Be with us always, and hold us up when life leaves us feeling so down. Thank you for hearing our prayer. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.


Copyright ConnieD. 2012. All rights reserved.

Originally posted on Pro Christian Woman.

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Those Lazy Days of Summer
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