How to Pest Proof Your Home Office

home office

With the next wave of lockdowns and variants of COVID, you may be heading back to your home office. Perhaps you have set up a more permanent work-from-home space. Either way, we spend a lot of time working and are confined to our workspace no matter how permanent it is. Unless you want to experience a total meltdown in front of your colleagues or customers, we suggest that you pest proof your home office.

It was just the other day during a Zoom call that my colleague screamed and ran from behind her computer. When she finally returned, we heard a few thumps and her apologizing. A huge cockroach had just felt scuttle over her foot. So here are the top 5 ideas that we have for you to avoid the embarrassing moment yourself.

Clear your desk from unnecessary papers

We all get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the workday. Often we write ourselves notes to not forget the important tasks. We may also print off reams of paper for easier editing or brainstorming. All this paper not only impacts your productivity but attracts pests into your home office. Having less paper and a clear desk is one of the best ways to pest proof your home office. They won’t have anywhere to hide and then would rather stay away!

fall scents for your home

Clear dishes and glasses once you are done

The leading attraction to pests is food. They exist to eat and multiply. Offering an easy-to-find eating location will certainly have the pests swarming your workspace. Be diligent not only to pest proof your home office, but short mental breaks are ideal to keep you sharp and focused. Getting up and removing dirty dishes frequently will give you just enough of a mental break to return with more vigor.

Get a thorough cleaning to pest proof

To truly pest proof your home office, you will need to do more than clear away surface clutter. Disinfect your work surfaces, clean your computer and other tools, but most of all, get into the hard-to-reach areas. Having a clean and fresh-smelling workspace will be an exciting inspiration for new opportunities.

Get a pest proof professional contractor

There is a reason that they are professionals. Not only do they know how these pests think and operate, but they have the right tools to get the job done. Remember to ask them about natural pest proofing options to ensure that your home is a safe place for your pets and family members. Pest Proof Pest Management is the perfect solution for getting your home office pest proof. 

Take out the trash

You may be in the routine of taking out the kitchen trash, but what about the trash can in your work space. Wrappers and packets with crumbs of food are sure to entice a wide variety of pests. Emptying the trash can is not going to be sufficient, clean the surface of the trash can to ensure that there is no residue from food.

With a “work from home” solution being part of the working adult’s life for the foreseeable future, having a pest free home office is important. Not only will you be more productive in the workspace, but you will be sure to avoid a visitor at the worst possible time.

LivingBetter50 is a magazine for women over 50, offering an over 50 magazine free download for women with spirit!

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How to Pest Proof Your Home Office
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