Fun Ways to Get in Shape This Summer


For many of us, summer is a season of transformation. If you live in an area that’s known for bitterly cold, brutally snowy winters, the return of cloudless skies and sunny weather is sure to come as a welcome change of pace. Additionally, just as the weather and outdoor scenery undergo a considerable change throughout the summer months, so too can you. So, if you’ve been meaning to get in shape and/or improve your physical health, there’s no better time to get the ball rolling. Anyone looking for fun, effective ways to be their best possible self this summer should consider the following tips.

Experiment with Healthy Eating

For many people, summer is the season of state fairs and backyard barbecues. In other words, summertime is rife with opportunities to indulge in junk food. While there’s nothing wrong with the occasional burger or ice cream cone, getting in shape generally requires one to take stock of their dietary choices. So, if eating poorly has contributed to diminished physical health or has caused you to gain an uncomfortable amount of weight, summer is the time to rectify unhealthy eating habits.

For starters, make a point of eating a diet rich in fruits and veggies. The next time you’re tempted to grill up some burgers or hotdogs, throw some vegetables on the grill instead. Additionally, the next time you find yourself hankering for a milkshake or ice cream, cut up a fruit salad or enjoy a fruit smoothie. Furthermore, since using your oven during the summer months stands to increase the temperature of your home, take this opportunity to experiment with health-conscious oven-free recipes. Many of these recipes are heavy in nutrition and high in taste, and as you’ll quickly discover, you don’t need an oven to throw together a world-class dinner. Oven-free recipes can be particularly beneficial to people who don’t have all the time in the world to spend on meal prep.

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Summer is also a good time to pay attention to your digestive health. So, if you’ve been grappling with digestive issues, talk to your doctor about the benefits of probiotic supplements

Spend Time Outdoors

Summer provides many opportunities for outdoor recreation. The season’s abundance of agreeable weather makes it ideal for anyone who enjoys connecting with the great outdoors. So, if your fitness activity of choice involves walking, running or cycling, summer is the season for you. Additionally, if you enjoy immersing yourself in nature, consider embarking on invigorating outdoor hikes. Regardless of where you’re based, you should be able to find hiking opportunities within reasonable driving distance. As an added bonus, hiking can be a highly enjoyable group activity. If you’re looking for a fun, cost-effective outing to enjoy with family, friends or some combination thereof, hiking has you covered. Of course, in the interest of maximum safety, take care to heed local heat advisories and take measures to protect yourself from excessive sun exposure.   

Chart Out a Manageable Fitness Schedule

When beginning a new fitness routine, many of us feel the need to go all-out. This entails setting lofty exercise goals and committing to grueling workout schedules. While physical fitness is undeniably a good thing, there’s such a thing as overdoing it and going too hard too quickly. Not only can this approach to exercise leave you exhausted and physically depleted, it stands to turn you off of fitness altogether. If a new workout regimen proves too difficult or impossible goals fail to be met, you may be tempted to throw up your hands and quit.

Although being discouraged under these circumstances is perfectly understandable, you’d do well to avoid throwing in the towel and instead of amending your goals and exercise regimen to better reflect your current capabilities. As you build strength and stamina and grow more accustomed to working out, you can continue to alter your exercise goals and routine accordingly.  

It’s easy to see why so many people opt to start new fitness routines during the summer months. The abundance of agreeable weather and transformative atmosphere make summer the perfect season for getting on top of your workout goals. As an added bonus, there’s no shortage of ways to get in shape over the summer. From eating healthy to spending time outdoors to starting exciting new exercise regimens, there’s no better season to transform into your best possible self.

LivingBetter50 is a magazine for women over 50, offering an over 50 magazine free download for women with spirit!

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Fun Ways to Get in Shape This Summer
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