Daily Devotional – Practice Righteousness

Daily Devotional

Our scripture for the Daily Devotional today is taken from Proverbs 21:1-8. Prevention is always more effective than trying to correct and fix something broken. Preventative maintenance on a car is a greater investment than trying to fix one that is broken.

“In the Lord’s hand the king’s heart is a stream of water
    that he channels toward all who please him.

A person may think their own ways are right,
    but the Lord weighs the heart.

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To do what is right and just
    is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.

Haughty eyes and a proud heart—
    the unplowed field of the wicked—produce sin.

The plans of the diligent lead to profit
    as surely as haste leads to poverty.

A fortune made by a lying tongue
    is a fleeting vapor and a deadly snare.[a]

The violence of the wicked will drag them away,
    for they refuse to do what is right.

The way of the guilty is devious,
    but the conduct of the innocent is upright.”

Practice righteousness and live free from burdens!

While Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross has paid the price for salvation, the sacrifice was needed. Despite our best efforts and attempts, we will never manage to live a pure sinless life. While we are offered forgiveness for every conceivable sin, it does not profit us to willfully sin recklessly.

God has called us to live righteous lives. Living this way not only honors and worships Him, but it protects and saves us too. No matter the forgiveness on the table, the consequences of our sinful actions and decisions continue on.

It is not worth the burdens and chains to sin. Let us live a life practicing righteousness and holiness as a demonstration of our love for our Father. 

Let’s Pray

Dear Father, 

Thank you for the amazing forgiveness that You offer so freely. While I know that You have removed my sin from me as far as the east is from the west, I ask that You lead me today by Your Holy Spirit to live a holy life as You are holy.

In Jesus Name,


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Daily Devotional – Practice Righteousness
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