Career Essentials – 5 Details That Improve Your Image

Whether you are seeking employment, have a job you love and would like to move into management or just make more money; believe it or not, your image plays an important role. Your bosses (or your prospective clients if you’re in business) make judgments regarding your job performance based on your image; that is, how you present yourself and how you dress. This might be a conscious or unconscious thought. For example, if you dress well and are well groomed  you are creating the impression that  you will take care of business details because you care enough to take care of your personal details.

One of the most common mistakes that women make when they are looking for employment or want a promotion is neglecting their appearance. They sometimes don’t think it makes a difference or they think they are okay in that area when they are not. For example, most women know that wearing flip flops in a professional environment is not acceptable, yet many do. .Even though it seems that this is something “everyone knows” as soon as the weather warms up, unacceptable footwear is found in the workplace. My point is, that to be well dressed and present a good image, details can make a huge difference and the details are sometimes not obvious or at least not obvious to everyone. One detail left unattended to can ruin an otherwise polished look. Here are 5 of many details that are very important in presenting a good image.

1. Your appointment book is an extension of your image; choose one that is a plain color and has a classy look – not plastic. Pens too, should be good quality.

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2. To keep your image impeccable use only good quality umbrellas. A classic well-made good quality umbrella is a worthwhile investment.

3. If you like and have a designer bag or bags – that’s great. However, if not, buy a good quality bag and stay away from designer bag knock-offs – these are easier to spot than you might think.

4. Always match your metals – gold with gold, silver with silver. Mismatched metals create a disorganized look.

5. Wristwatches should be purchased taking your overall proportions into consideration – a big watch on a thin wrist looks overpowering as, a thin watch fades on a large wrist. Wristwatches should also match the occasion – for business situations choose a watch with a leather strap.

These are just some of the details that can impact your image. When it comes to presenting a good image the details are endless. How is good your detail I Q? When you know you look great and you know the fashion rules you can relax and pay more attention on the task at hand.


Originally posted on Women in Style.

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Career Essentials – 5 Details That Improve Your Image
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