What’s The Big Deal About Healthy Digestion?

By Mindy Kannon –

I am asked all the time, why are you so focused on helping women achieve a healthy digestion? Is it really all that important?

A little gas, constipation, diarrhea, acid reflux, bloating is not really a big deal is it?

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There is a huge connection between what happens in your gut and what happens in the rest of your body.

A healthy gut is central to your overall health.

More than 70% of your immune cells are located in and along your intestinal lining. If you have faulty digestion you also have an immune system issue.

The three main functions of your intestinal lining are:

  1. Absorption and assimilation of essential nutrients
  2. Protection from potentially toxic molecules getting into your blood stream.
  3. Immune protection

These three super important functions are the key to the health and well being of your body as a whole. Compromised digestive function leads to a compromised immune systems and then to compromised health.

There is a nervous system located around your gut that acts independently of your brain, well kind of…

Your gut is considered your second brain. You know when you have a gut feeling or when you are scared or stressed, you feel it in your gut.

That feeling is a biological reaction to a cognitive action. There is a strong connection between the brain and the gut. Poor digestion and stress in the gut translates to mental stress, memory, mood and problem solving issues.

I have worked with many women that had digestive issues without the classic digestive symptoms. Once we fix their digestion they see an incredible improvement in memory, mood and problems solving skills. Their poor digestion dramatically affected the way their brain functions.

By making sure that your digestion is working as it should you are insuring that your immune system and neurological system are also working at their best.

One of the most important jobs of digestion is assimilation of nutrients into our body. When you have a compromised digestion you are also most likely lacking the build-blocks you need to build a strong body.

If the integrity of your digestive system in not in tact you will see toxins that were meant to be contained in your digestive tract get out into the body. This can be the source of autoimmune issues that so many people these days suffer from.

Everything in your body is interconnected. What you put in your mouth changes your whole body.

Improving your digestion and eating food that supports good health can positively affect absolutely every ailment you experience. Isn’t that awesome that you have that power?

I recently did a seminar at a woman’s networking group and I realized that while I was speaking to the attendees about how to have more energy it hit me that the same things will help you to lose weight, boost your immune system and create healthy digestion.

It is all related.

So that is why I am so focused on digestion as a means to achieve good health.

I know what it is like to have a compromised digestive system. I know what it is like to suffer from seemingly unrelated health issues. I experienced an incredibly dramatic change in my over-all health, functionality and appearance when I changed how my digestion functioned.

Yes you will have to make changes but let me assure you, the end result will astonish you. You cannot have long-term good health without a healthy digestion.
Mindy Kannon is a Holistic Digestive Health Coach. She is a passionate foodie that previously worked as a natural foods personal chef. She has a BA from Pennsylvania State University in Social and Behavioral Sciences and is a Certified Holistic Health Coach through the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. Her mission is to help busy women achieve good digestive health, with food they are passionate about and a balanced lifestyle. She coaches individual clients throughout the country and offers small group telecoaching programs and digestive membership clubs that will help you regain your health, energy and zest for life. You deserve to be Healthy! For more information or to join in the delicious fun, go to her website at: http://www.mindykannon.com/

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What’s The Big Deal About Healthy Digestion?
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