4 Ways to Reduce the Risk of Injury in Marathon Training


First and foremost, if you’re in the process of training for a marathon, huge congratulations are in order. After all, this is a huge feat that very few people in the world get to achieve. In fact, if you’re looking for exact stats – just 0.01% of the world’s population achieves this every year. 

Of course, we all know why this appeals to such a small group of people – it’s tough. Not only that but it’s riddled with risks. The older you get, the riskier it gets, and the injuries you can succumb to increase. Some of these injuries will be short-term, a sprained ankle here or the odd bruising there. Others are more serious. For example, arthritis (the Achilles heel of any insurance company) can be brought on through incorrect training. 

Bearing this in mind, through the remainder of today’s post, we will now look at some of the best ways you can reduce the risk of injury if you are currently training for a marathon. 

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Get a Good Night’s Sleep

This should be a given for any athlete, but it’s often overlooked. The importance of a good night’s sleep cannot be understated – especially when you’re training for something as grueling as a marathon. While you sleep, your body can repair any damaged tissue. This is vital for runners, as the constant impact on your feet and legs can lead to all sorts of injuries. 

To get the most out of your sleep, make sure that you establish a regular sleep pattern. This means going to bed and waking up at roughly the same time each day – even on weekends. You should also avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed, as these can interfere with your sleep. 

Warm-Up and Cool Down Properly

Warming up and cooling down are two more things that runners often overlook. Warming up helps increase your heart rate and prepare your muscles for exercise. This, in turn, reduces the risk of injury. A good warm-up should last for 10-15 minutes and consist of some light cardio and dynamic stretching. 

Cooling down is just as important as warming up, but for different reasons. When you exercise, your muscles fill up with lactic acid. This can cause stiffness and soreness and lead to injuries if not removed. 

Cross Train

Cross-training is often recommended for runners, as it helps to reduce the risk of injury. This is because it helps strengthen the muscles that you don’t use when running. For example, if you only run, your quads will become very strong, but your upper body will remain weak. This can lead to imbalances in your body, eventually leading to injuries. Some good cross-training exercises for runners include swimming, cycling, and weight training. 

Listen to Your Body

This is perhaps the most crucial point on today’s list. 

As we’ve mentioned, running is a high-impact exercise, and as such, it’s essential to listen to your body. If you’re feeling pain, it’s time to take a break. It’s also important to remember that you shouldn’t try to push through the pain regardless of your run date.

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1 thought on “4 Ways to Reduce the Risk of Injury in Marathon Training”

  1. Pingback: 4 Methods to Cut back the Danger of Harm in Marathon Training4 Methods to Cut back the Danger of Harm in Marathon Coaching - Libra Review

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4 Ways to Reduce the Risk of Injury in Marathon Training
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