3 Fashion Mistakes Women Often Make when Dressing Professionally

By Scarlett De Bease –

Lately, there has been so much confusion as to what is appropriate to wear to work since the ‘casual friday’ day has so often spilled over into the every other day of the week.

So, I wanted to share 3 of the complaints that I hear most often from Human Resources and management in the various corporations I come in contact with when providing image consulting services and advice. Employees as well as those who show up for interviews commit these office attire faux pas.

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1.   The most annoying sound in an office is the flip, flopping of flip flops!!! When did it become okay to wear beach attire to the office? What happened? An appropriate option is sandals that strap your feet in, for what can become a bumpy ride out of a job!

2.   Bras are labeled to be in the UNDER garment category because they are to be under your clothes and out of sight. Nothing says unprofessional more, than bra straps peeking out from your clothes either by accident or on purpose.

3.   Clothes that are too tight. We all gain weight, so learn to embrace this cold hard fact by wearing clothes in your actual size, and not your fantasy size. In other words, get a grip on the sad truth and stop letting your clothes have a grip on you!

Thankfully there are so many cool weather and comfortable options out there for this time of year, that do not involve sun-dresses, flip flops, shorts, etc. Try these suggestions to help avoid being the example of what not to wear at the office.

1.   Trouser jeans are perfect for the casual days, and sandals that have a strap so they do not make a sound, are a much better and more professional choice for on the job.

2.   Only wear dresses and tops with wide shoulder straps that cover your bra straps which creates a professional appearance as opposed to looking like you showed up for the barbecue at your neighbor’s house.

Never, and I mean never wear a bra with straps when wearing a strapless dress. This is beyond unacceptable, and sadly this happens and I have seen it for myself. This is a major fashion don’t.

3.   A few pounds every once in awhile, creep up on us and clothes no longer fit the way they used to or how they were supposed to. If skin shows where it shouldn’t, buttons popping, or seams on the verge of bursting are showing, then do not wear those clothes until they fit you like they once did. You will look thinner and feel better in clothes that fit as you are now, instead of trying to make your older clothes ‘fit’ now.

Note: Please remember to get regular pedicures and moisturize your feet every single day. No matter how cute or pretty your sandals might be, once the cracked black heel is showing, that is all anybody will see or focus on.

CONFESSION: I write this as I sit here upset that I have gained weight and many of my clothes are too tight now, therefore I won’t be wearing them for a while as I’m taking my own advice!



Scarlett is a professional Image Consultant and the founder of The always Know What To Wear System. For over 6 years, she has successfully changed the lives of many women, by showing them the correct clothes, colors, styles and accessories that will flatter them the most. If you keep buying clothes and still have nothing to wear, Scarlett will make it possible for you to always know what to wear. You can find her at: www.scarlettnewyork.com

2 thoughts on “3 Fashion Mistakes Women Often Make when Dressing Professionally”

  1. Fabulous list and OH SO TRUE. Since when did it become “acceptable” to dress down in an office? I hate going to a professional office and having to deal with people who are in capri pants, sleeveless shirts, flip flops, tattoos and bra straps showing. There’s no need…unfortunately…to return to gloves and hat but surely it’s not asking too much for people working in professional offices to dress the part.
    As to rough, neglected heels, even moisturizer can’t help if a pumice stone isn’t being used weekly.

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3 Fashion Mistakes Women Often Make when Dressing Professionally
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