In My Next 20 Years…

By Laurie L. Webb –

“20 years from now you will more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do”. (Mark Twain) I read this quote earlier today and it has stuck with me ever since. When I look at the past 20 years, am I more disappointed in what I haven’t done than what I have? I’m not sure, because in those 20 years I’ve raised my 2 daughters and have enjoyed watching them grow up; I’ve been married to my husband for almost 25 years and frankly, watched us grow up (we married young 🙂 !) and I’ve grown in my spiritual walk. In those areas, I’m not disappointed. Yes, I know I could have done a lot of things better in those areas but overall I’m satisfied with those accomplishments.

In other areas of my life…maybe I do have some disappointments. I definitely allowed life to interfere with me fuflilling my purpose. Up until recently, I’ve just kind of rolled along, dreamed… but didn’t do anything to make those dreams a reality. Have I missed some golden opportunities? Probably! But what do I do about that now? I have decided to begin moving forward with what God has purposed for me. Even though I’m 45 yrs old, I know I have a lot of time left to accomplish great things. In some ways, I am just beginning. I don’t look back at missed opportunities – there’s nothing I can do about those. But I’ve decided not to let new opportunities pass me by. In fact, I’m actively seeking opportunities. I’m knocking on doors! Some remain closed, some have cracked open just enough to see the light streaming through, and some have flung open and then I realized I didn’t need to walk through them. Will there be opposition? Yep! I expect it! Therefore, when it happens, maybe it won’t knock me out. Down maybe, but not out. I can always get back up and try again!

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I believe that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! I believe that if God be for me…who can be against me! I believe that God has a purpose and plan for me, plans to prosper me! I also believe that God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose!

What do you believe about yourself? 

Do you believe you can make a difference?

Now, in 20 years, will I look back and be more disappointed by the things I didn’t do than the things I did do? I hope not. I plan on running the race as to win! I plan on screeching to a stop at the end of my life rather than coasting there. I plan on my obituary taking up a full page with plenty of footnotes 😉

How about you? What will be your regrets? What will be your highlights? Do you want to look back at the next 20 years and say “What a ride!”?  If so, start now! It’s never too late to follow your dreams!

There’s a song that says “When you dream, dream big! As big as the ocean blue”.

Sing that song to yourself and then do something about it.

Originally posted on Laurie Webb Ministries.

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In My Next 20 Years…
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