How Positive Thinking Can Boost Your Self-Confidence After 50

Positive Thinking

Everybody struggles with a lack of self-confidence at some point in their lives whether they are 15, 20, 30 or 60. Feeling unsure of oneself in certain situations is completely normal because we are all human beings and confidence roller-coasters are something we all experience on a daily basis.

However, by getting older improving one’s self-confidence becomes one of the questions that we, as women, ponder more often.

When our lack of confidence hinders us from fully enjoying our life or achieving our next personal or professional goal, it is probably time to take action. While research shows that 50% of our confidence is genetic, we still have some choice over the other 50%.

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There are many ways to fuel self-confidence but positive thinking combined with positive action appear to be the most effective one. To help you effectively improve your self-confidence, we came up with a list of 3 strategies to actively practice positive thinking.

#1. Use positive affirmations and visualization when having negative thoughts

We all know how it feels to have negative thoughts. Those thoughts turn into an endless cycle of negativity especially when we lack self-confidence. And all of this due to our brain’s ‘negativity bias’, which basically means that our brain is more sensitive to negative thoughts.

It becomes evident why thinking positively is not an easy thing to do considering that we have to go ‘against our brain’. But positive affirmations and visualization are here to help you. While positive statements condition our brain to adopt positive thoughts, positive visualization gives the power to view ourselves capable of carrying on the change.

Every time you catch yourself having a negative thought, transform it into a positive one and imagine a positive solution. Say, “I will try to adopt a different approach to my diet” instead of, “I cannot deal with this diet anymore.” Visualize that different approach on a piece of paper.

When we use positive affirmations little by little we gain confidence which is then reflected on our personality.

#2. Surround yourself with positive people, places, and events

We always underestimate the power of surrounding ourselves with positivity, especially when we get older and tend to forget how positivity can directly impact our mood.

One way of reminding ourselves about its influence is by constantly being in touch with people who are positive thinkers themselves. Their presence in our life is especially important when we decide to undertake some significant positive change. Talk to them, share your thoughts and fears and get some advice. You will see how your confidence automatically starts to rise when you see other positive examples.

Another way of giving a boost to your self-confidence is by associating yourself with positive places and positive events. Positive thinking might not cure all the possible diseases out there but it will help lift some of the pressure off your shoulders and eventually your life, which will positively affect your self-confidence in the long run.

#3. Constantly remind yourself of your strengths

Positive ThinkingWhen we get older and catch ourselves in a negative spin of events, we often forget how strong we are. If we really want to tap into the core of our self-confidence, we need to constantly remind ourselves of our strengths.

Recent research proves that people who know and use their strengths are happier and more engaged in any aspect of their life. It directly influences their self-confidence and self-esteem. This is because when we know what we are good at, we start to embrace and leverage what makes us stand out from the rest.

Take some time to write down your top strengths and think of the ways you can use those strengths more often. If you experience any difficulty, use a strengths finder online or ask your friends and colleagues to help you come up with the list of your top strengths.

Once you come up with the list, make sure you put those strengths into practice both in your personal and professional life. This will make you more satisfied and happy with whatever you are doing.


Positive thinking does not mean you should be overly optimistic. On the contrary, it is about staying realistic but having a positive attitude towards yourself, towards other people and events around you.  

Boosting one’s self-confidence after 50 can be quite of a challenge, but fortunately, there are some small steps that can help you make it easier. It might not happen overnight and might require some continuous practice and dedication but it will be a very rewarding experience after all. So why not try?

Jane Berkey believes in the power of strengths-awareness and positive thinking in achieving success. A content marketer from San Diego, she writes about self-awareness, career advice, and personal development.


1 thought on “How Positive Thinking Can Boost Your Self-Confidence After 50”

  1. Thanks Jane for great tips on positive thinking. In case of hormonal imbalances, it does become necessary to go beyond thought control, specially when its simply impossible. i guess meditation can be vital aid. what external aids did you find the best?

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How Positive Thinking Can Boost Your Self-Confidence After 50
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