The Best Way to Improve Balance

Here are some suggestions for improving or keeping your balance.

1. Think unstable. Get used to being in unstable environments, that is. For example, walking on uneven surfaces (slowly at first, of course, until you get used to it. Walking poles can help you feel more stable, too. Decreasing your points of contact with the floor (the smaller the surface area in contact with the floor the more difficult), and getting into unstable positions is also a great way to incorporate balance training in almost anything you do. For example, stand on one foot when you’re on the phone, or raise yourself up to your toes and do toe-raises. Once this feels easy, try doing toe-raises on one foot only. A Balance Pad is also a great tool to create gentle instability.

2. Invest in some balance resources & equipment. Fitness equipment has come a long way, and many fitness tools are now targeted for strength combined with balance. Fitness Balls, the BOSU (Both Sides Up), Balance Pads and Balance Discs and Boards all can be used as part of your workout routine to improve balance, coordination and strength. Soapstone Fitness sells books and videos just about balance, like The Balanced Workout DVD, Fitness Ball Exercise Charts (for only $5.95) and also the Great Balance & Stability Handbook. We’re now even offering Beginning and Intermediate/Advanced Balance Kits that get you started and keep you on the balanced road.

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3. Try a dance, kick-boxing, yoga or Pilates class. These types of classes are great for training balance in an unassuming way. Not only do you work on your balance, you gain a skill as well. The relationships made in these classes can be priceless, too. If you’d rather workout at home, try this Yoga DVD.

4. Hire a qualified Personal Trainer. Consider a personal trainer for at least a couple of sessions to get you on track to a safe balance routine that considers your unique challenges and strengths.

5. Work on flexibility. Often our muscles are tight from our routines. Stretching throughout the day can loosen muscles and joints and make you feel much more stable.

6. Get outside of your normal plane. Walk sideways, backwards, diagonally, and in circles. You may look strange, but it helps your brain adjust to instability.

7. Don’t quit. You want to keep your balance forever, so invest time and energy into it and you won’t regret it.

Originally posted on: Soapstone Fitness

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The Best Way to Improve Balance
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