Hydration is So Important

By Francesca Pucher –

As a trainer and an athlete I place a strong emphasis on the importance of staying hydrated, especially during the summer months.

When a client comes to me with muscle cramping or fatigue during a workout my first question is “did you eat today?” Followed by, “did you consume enough fluids?

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Most times the issue is a simple matter of Poor Hydration. A common excuse like “I didn’t have time to drink or I hate water” is often found. So if you find yourself with these same excuses, try some of the tips below:

Drink. Drinking at least eight cups of water each day is a good rule of thumb, according to the American Dietetic Association. However, if you have any risk factors for dehydration, you should drink more. If you dislike plain water, try drinking a flavored water or adding a slice of lemon. Other fluids, such as juice and tea, can contribute to your fluid count, as well.

Eat foods with high water content. While drinking water is the best source of hydration, many foods contain water and can help replenish lost fluids. Choose foods like lettuce, watermelon, and broccoli. Soups, popsicles, and yogurt also have high water content.

Don’t wait to drink. Make a conscious effort to drink enough on a regular basis and more often when you begin feeling ill, before you exercise, or before you go out into hot weather. Ensuring that you are well hydrated before you lose water can help reduce your risk for dehydration.

Avoid foods and drinks that may contribute to dehydration. Beverages with sugar and/or caffeine (such as fruit juice, soda, and coffee) may help to hydrate some, but they are not as effective as low-sugar or low/non-caffeine beverages.

Dehydration is cumulative, meaning the longer you go without fluids, the more dehydrated you will become. Although thirst is one way your body alerts you to drink more, other symptoms of dehydration include the following:

•A dry or sticky mouth
•Dizziness, light headedness
•Dry skin
•Weight loss
•Dark yellow urine or a decrease in urination

Make smart choices this summer by remaining hydrated. You will not only look better but you’ll feel better too!

Francesca has a BS in Exercise Science from Montclair State University. She is an (AFAA) Certified Personal Fitness Trainer, (PHI) Mat and Reformer Pilates Instructor, TRX Suspension Certified, and a NESTA Lifestyle Weight Management Coach. She owns NJ’s “Best Exercise Studio” Fitness 1-2-1 Personal Training with her husband and manages a team of 9 fitness professionals. Other interests are healthy cooking, and meal preparations for her clients, running, hot yoga and time with her family. Website: http://www.francescapucher.com/.

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Hydration is So Important
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