5 Easy Habits to Help Fight Hormonal Imbalance During Menopause

By Ethan Wright−

Menopause is not an easy time for women. The changes in behavior and health are disrupting the normal lives of women 50 years old and above. Once the symptoms start, many of their activities have been tweaked. Some of them are having a hard time coping with the shifts that their body is undergoing. A significant change that a woman’s body can experience is hormone imbalance.

Hormone imbalance

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Hormones are chemical messengers inside our body signals the regulation of the functions of our organs. They are released by the endocrine glands to keep body’s growth and development, metabolism, sexual function, reproduction, and mood in check. Menopausal women are prone to experience major health issues because of the end of their ovulation. The health conditions below can get in their way from doing their daily obligations and can even lead to severe and life-threatening conditions such as:

  • Increased sweating, palpitations, and hot flashes
  • Experiencing mood disorders such as depression and anxiety
  • Irregularity in your sleep cycle
  • Increased risk of developing primary insomnia
  • Lifestyle changes such as irregular schedules and sleep problems like insomnia and sleep apnea

There are many ways to cope with the fluctuating hormone levels, among them, are hormone replacement therapy (HRT). While HRT is a robust method, studies have shown that it may lead to risks such as heart disease and breast cancer. Maintaining the healthy habits below that would help balance the hormones in your body to regain its strength:

Eat healthy fats

Recent studies show that our body needs fats to function properly, but what we need is healthy fat. Around 3% of our body comprises a balance of Omega-3 fats and Omega-6 fats. This balance is critical for our health. The fats in most of our diet are mainly Omega-6, which creates imbalance. Consuming more Omega-3 (usually sourced from fish oil and quality seafood) improve your heart health. On the other hand, saturated fats are used by our body as building blocks for hormones. Coconut oil is excellent for hormone production. Olive oil, avocados, and pastured eggs are also good sources. 

Take supplements

Supplementation of some vitamins from natural sources can fill in the nutrients from foods that are lost due to processing. Menopausal women need an additional dose of vitamin D3, magnesium, and Omega-3 through tablets. With the prescription of their doctors, they may also take gelatin or collagen, and natural progesterone cream. A hormone boosting tuber called maca is also a good source of hormones.


This article is written by Ethan Wright, a health enthusiast who believes every great day begins with a good night sleep. He is currently a researcher and writer for Bedding Stock, an online retailer of gel memory foam mattress in the USA. When not wearing his writing hat, you will see him traveling to places with his journal.


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5 Easy Habits to Help Fight Hormonal Imbalance During Menopause
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